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Thread: Deca/Winny Cycle Only - Need Some Input

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada

    Question Deca/Winny Cycle Only - Need Some Input

    Need some info on this, can't seem to find anything about it on the net. Not for myself though, for my cousin. Got all the gear, and ready to go. His main concern is leaning out while gaining quality muscle, and he's very realistic.

    It's running like this, and it's his first cycle:

    Weeks 1-6 = 50mg Winny EOD
    Weeks 1-5 = 400mg Deca

    Any suggestions in diet and cycle critics are more than welcome.
    Also, any personal experiences is what we're really looking for.

    Thanks for the input!

  2. #2
    it's gonna take about 4 weeks for that deca to kick in, so you might want to double the time.

    you could do a light dosage of deca, run the same light dosage of test along with it (so he doesn't blow up too big), and then run the winny at the end of it all......

    almost something like this :

    1-10 deca 200 mg's
    1-10 test 200 mg's
    7-12 winny

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