He awoke alone one cold winter morning. Granted he awakes alone every god damn mother fucking morning but that isn't the point. He immediately noticed that The Nipples had been working diligently through the night to royally fuck him over. Through toil and back-breaking labor The Nipples had begun erecting hard, fibrous tisse in the right pectoral. "Damn you!" Nathan screamed. He thrust himself bodily out of bed, managing to poke a hole clean through the drywall with his robust, exceptionally large and erect phallus. Dusting himself off, he ran at an alarming velocity straight for the mirror in his bathroom and exclaimed, "Bromo! Bromo! Where for art thou bromo?" Realizing suddenly he was talking to himself, and in a manner akin to Shakespearean poetry to boot, he ceased his foolish ranting and went directly for the sharpest knife in his kitchen. Holding the blade close to The Nipples he hesitated, proclaiming, "We'll call this Plan B."
So that's where I'm at. Hoping for some bromo right quick and have a good bro on top of it like a fat kid on a cupcake. Hopefully, all will be well though I do so hate this part. i have had nolva advised to me as well but I'm not convinced. Someone want to field why I should splurge for nolva as well? Keep up the good work team.