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I enjoyed the sustanon got good gains. I hear your more apt to side effects with test e and test c. it's quite the opposite, test enth and cyp are single estered tests, which means that when you take test enth for example, it is absorbed at the same rate all the time but sustanon is a combination of 4 different esters that break down at different rates so you get unequal amounts of test absorbed at varying timesI am taking the winstrol to tone and harden gains and cut while gaining mass also winstrol helps maintain gains after cycle.winstrol will only harden, it will not help you cut fat and it doesn't help with gains after cycle because when you start pct(you are going to run pct right? do you know what pct is?), anyway, once you start pct all the drugs are out of your system so gains are effected by diet Do you think there something i can take in place of winstrol for those attributes