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Thread: New Cycle

  1. #1

    New Cycle

    This is my 3rd cycle.

    I am doing sustanon 250 for 10 weeks, I am frontloading sust 3 amps 750 mgs for 2 weeks then tapering down to 500 for 4 weeks then cutting to 250 mgs for 3 weeks then 250 every other week for 2 weeks.

    I am stacking with winstrol not starting that till the 3rd week running that for 10 weeks 250mgs a week.

    I am also stacking boldenone 400-600mgs a week for 10 weeks. Start same time as wini

    I am 5'10 180
    run a 4.39 40yd

    my last cycle i did sust 500mgs 10 weeks and 250mgs of winni for 10 weeks got up to 199 then dropped down to 180 i started at 168. I didnt keep more gains cause of my diet. I have alot of money saved for a great diet and gear. I had alot of joint pain from the last cycle especially during the rugby season in my knees and ankles.

    I am also start a HGH cycle at the end of sustanon looking at 3 months 4IUS mon-fri to help with joint pain and ligament strengthening im afraid of tearing acl with all added weight. Also rehabing a torn hamstring.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    In the Lab
    if you have had previous joint issues you might want to stay away from the Whinny. Why not Test E instead of the sust?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rugger11 View Post
    This is my 3rd cycle.

    I am doing sustanon 250 for 10 weeks, I am frontloading sust 3 amps 750 mgs for 2 weeks then tapering down to 500 for 4 weeks then cutting to 250 mgs for 3 weeks then 250 every other week for 2 weeks.
    why do you want to pyramid, the way you have it set up your blood serum levels are going to be very unstable, especially with sust
    I am stacking with winstrol not starting that till the 3rd week running that for 10 weeks 250mgs a week.

    I am also stacking boldenone 400-600mgs a week for 10 weeks. Start same time as wini
    why just a 10 week cycle?
    I am 5'10 180
    run a 4.39 40yd

    my last cycle i did sust 500mgs 10 weeks and 250mgs of winni for 10 weeks got up to 199 then dropped down to 180 i started at 168. I didnt keep more gains cause of my diet. I have alot of money saved for a great diet and gear. I had alot of joint pain from the last cycle especially during the rugby season in my knees and ankles.

    I am also start a HGH cycle at the end of sustanon looking at 3 months 4IUS mon-fri to help with joint pain and ligament strengthening im afraid of tearing acl with all added weight. Also rehabing a torn hamstring.
    i take back my previous statements, you shouldn't be running a cycle if you are injured, much less winny which can dry out your joints

  4. #4
    I enjoyed the sustanon got good gains. I hear your more apt to side effects with test e and test c. I am taking the winstrol to tone and harden gains and cut while gaining mass also winstrol helps maintain gains after cycle. Do you think there something i can take in place of winstrol for those attributes

  5. #5
    how do you recommend i go about inducing the sust then?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rugger11 View Post
    I enjoyed the sustanon got good gains. I hear your more apt to side effects with test e and test c. it's quite the opposite, test enth and cyp are single estered tests, which means that when you take test enth for example, it is absorbed at the same rate all the time but sustanon is a combination of 4 different esters that break down at different rates so you get unequal amounts of test absorbed at varying timesI am taking the winstrol to tone and harden gains and cut while gaining mass also winstrol helps maintain gains after cycle.winstrol will only harden, it will not help you cut fat and it doesn't help with gains after cycle because when you start pct(you are going to run pct right? do you know what pct is?), anyway, once you start pct all the drugs are out of your system so gains are effected by diet Do you think there something i can take in place of winstrol for those attributes

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    btw, how old are you?
    do you have a strict diet? if so write it out for critique, it's by far the most important part of cycling?
    what pct are you going to run?

  8. #8
    ya post cycle therapy i havent figured that out yet if you could help that would be great i have some clomid left over. My overall goal is to reach 200 ans stay there. What would you recommend so you dont like sustanon i dont i hade great gains with it...what do you think about hgh and is boldenone better than decca i may have drug testing within a year

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    k, to be blunt, you need to research alot more, but i'm not going to be a dick and just leave you to try to figure out what to research blindly, here's what i'm going to do , this link is to my database which has threads on everything you'd ever want to know, feel free to look through it and read up, especially look in the pct section and diet section but just spend some time in there and if you run across something you don't understand post up a question

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    winstrol + rugby sounds like injury waiting to happen.. listen to phate, he's got this covered for you

  11. #11
    im 21 my diet is pretty good

    2 monstermilk shakes a day
    3 chicken breast or cans of tuna
    a bagel in the morning 4 eggs yogurt
    mashed potatoes
    peanut butter sandwiches

    vit b6 b12

    catlyn "standard process" all naturak multi

    milk thistle hyloronic acid glucosamine

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rugger11 View Post
    im 21 my diet is pretty good

    2 monstermilk shakes a day
    3 chicken breast or cans of tuna
    a bagel in the morning 4 eggs yogurt
    mashed potatoes
    peanut butter sandwiches

    vit b6 b12

    catlyn "standard process" all naturak multi

    milk thistle hyloronic acid glucosamine
    tomorrow carry a pad with you and write down EVERYTHING that you eat, and post that up with amounts, seems like the diet could use some work, but we can't really help until we see exactly what you're working with

  13. #13
    what do you prefer sust/eq/anavar or test e/eq/primo
    or his deca better do i need hcg and how much clomid do i take a day and for how long for pct

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    ok... well assuming you won't listen when someone says don't cycle yet, you need a few things set first.

    1 if you have joint pain, deca would be good
    2 unless you want to inject eod, test e or c is better than sust
    3 unless you are low bf with a great diet and a high dose, primo won't do much
    4 if you do want to use eq, 10 weeks is way too short
    5 deca + test is a good enough cycle for you, 400mg/500mg respectively
    6 clomid alone isn't a good enough pct. you don't need hcg, but add nolva in pct 50mg ed for clomid, and 40-40-20-20 mg a day for each week of nolva

  15. #15
    1. how long should i run eq for then
    2. pct lasts only a week?
    3. keep in mind im trying to gain 25-30lbs that will stay
    4. should i d-bol 40mg a day for first 4 weeks to jumpstart

    thanks for the help guys

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    PCT for four weeks unless needed more
    I will let others help you on the diet and yes d-bol 40mg a day for the first four weeks

  17. #17
    i have a buddy whos 40 who doesnt pct and only takes stuff if his nipples start itching or gets side effects he says pct cuts gains and pct is only really needed for real advance heavy cycles

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Alot of people in the bodybuilding world don't use a PCT still. Personally, I wouldn't want to run a cycle without having a PCT ready.

  19. #19
    im not a body builder im a rugby player who using to maximise performance run a 4.39 40 very fast hard hitter trying to go over seas and play pro also an all american since i was 18

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