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  1. #1
    gmanfx is offline New Member
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    Question Help, Want to loose weight.

    I am just starting with this. I am 6'4 370. I go to the gym 3 times a week. I dont each much any more.. Mostly meat, chicken, bread, etc.. Looking to get on a cycle. WHat type of cycle would you recommend. I want to drop my fat quickly and develop muscle. I was thinking about getting on Winstrol . Can anyone help. THanks. By the way I am 35.


  2. #2
    te4vass's Avatar
    te4vass is offline Junior Member
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    What does your diet look like?
    How long have you been hitting the gym?

    Try a strict diet and weight training mixed with some cardio. You will see amazing results. Save the cycle till your more advanced.

  3. #3
    gmanfx is offline New Member
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    In the gym for 30 days, I dont see any results. I usually eat once per day. mostly junk. I am starting a better diet mostly chicken, rice, pork, cutting red meat, bread, soda. Eating smaller portions more than once per day also is something I am adding.

  4. #4
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
    Flex-Appeal is offline Senior Member
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    You need to do more cardio, 3 days does not cut it. Improve your diet drastically. Eating very little is not necisarilly better, more small meals speeds up metabolism. Supplement b complex. Go read in diet section for meal options. You do not need steroids . Consider clen later on in life

  5. #5
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
    Flex-Appeal is offline Senior Member
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    Btw Welcome to the board, you can learn alot here with a little dedication

  6. #6
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    wow, so basically your body is in starvation mode and you feel like crap.. ??

    you should eat 5 times per day.. no soda (diet is ok) and bread?? how about noooooooooo, or if you must then eat ezechiel bread and only in the morning..
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  7. #7
    gmanfx is offline New Member
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    isnt Winstrol a cutting cycle you dont think would help? If I followed the diet and increased my excercise wouldnt that increase the effectiveness and allow me to drop this weight more rapidly?

  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
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    Winstrol will achieve nothing at this stage, you need the correct diet and training program. Do not waste your money. Post your diet..

  9. #9
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    wow.. there is no magic pill, sorry to say..

    and no it will not..

    drinking water will be more effective..
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  10. #10
    muhammad1185's Avatar
    muhammad1185 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gmanfx View Post
    isnt Winstrol a cutting cycle you dont think would help? If I followed the diet and increased my excercise wouldnt that increase the effectiveness and allow me to drop this weight more rapidly?

    winny is not the solution for loosing weight, its a compound used in a cutting cycle along with other compounds, not heard of many people who use it alone. you can loose weight by changing your diet, 3 days a week cardio is nothing, im pretty hardcore, 6 days a week, cardio until you cant do anymore, aim to loose 500 cals per workout, rowing, swimming, running etc. and try some good fat burners. once your in decent shape, then only consider cycling.

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Welcome. Proper diet and cardio is what you need right now.

  12. #12
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    Quote Originally Posted by gmanfx View Post
    I am just starting with this. I am 6'4 370. I go to the gym 3 times a week. I dont each much any more.. Mostly meat, chicken, bread, etc.. Looking to get on a cycle. WHat type of cycle would you recommend. I want to drop my fat quickly and develop muscle. I was thinking about getting on Winstrol . Can anyone help. THanks. By the way I am 35.

    You can lose the amount of weight you desire very easy by eating often every 2-2.5 hours and eating the right foods, Lean Proteins,Complex Carbs,and Good Fats- Check out the diet section, Also you can increase your fat loss by being more active and performing 30-45 minutes of cardio a day, you can speed your results even more by picking up a proper weight training routine and exerciseing with weights 4 days a week. All of these things plus rest you will lose fat very quickly and safely without the use of any Steroid . If you need any clarifications just bump the thread.
    All of the info you need can be found right here


  13. #13
    C-MaN's Avatar
    C-MaN is offline Senior Member
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    Hey bro i know how you feel about losing fat quickly. Im 5'11 and i used to weigh 321, now im down to 208. One day i finally got fed up and started one step at a time. With that much weight to lose it will come off VERY VERY fast. Just hop on the tread mill every morning before breakfast for one hour at 3.8, 5-6 days a week. At night you can do your weight training. As for diet itll probably be hard for you to stick with something to intricate starting out. Just try to eat five small meals a day. About 200-300g protein. And i would do only 100g of carbs and minimal fat to start with til you start picking up the training. Oh and every time you get hunger pains just drink a whole bunch of water! Need any more help just PM me. Good Luck bro you can do it! Oh and i did it all natural NO AAS. If i can do it you can man!

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