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Thread: cycle # 2

  1. #1

    cycle # 2

    Week 1-12 sustanon 500mgs, equipose 500mgs, novaldex 10mgs/ed
    "week 1-4 dbol 40mgs/ed"

    week 7-12 winstrol 50mg/ed

    week 13 clomid therapy 4 weeks 900mg week 1, 700mg week 2-4

    how does this cycle sound this my first time using nolvadex or a pct. Im worried its gonna diminish my gains do i need it with this size cycle?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Welcome. With sust your pct should start 18 days after last injection, and those doses of clomid would not be healthy at all.
    body fat%?
    years training?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by winger11 View Post
    Week 1-12 sustanon 500mgs, equipose 500mgs, novaldex 10mgs/ed
    "week 1-4 dbol 40mgs/ed"

    week 7-12 winstrol 50mg/ed

    week 13 clomid therapy 4 weeks 900mg week 1, 700mg week 2-4
    how does this cycle sound this my first time using nolvadex or a pct. Im worried its gonna diminish my gains do i need it with this size cycle?
    im guessin you mean taking 300mg first day, 100mg 6 next days of first week.....then 100mg daily 2nd week etc....bring the clomid dose down to 50mg last two weeks instead of 100mg

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vishus View Post
    im guessin you mean taking 300mg first day, 100mg 6 next days of first week.....then 100mg daily 2nd week etc....bring the clomid dose down to 50mg last two weeks instead of 100mg
    I hope that's what he means.

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    yeah id save some of that nolva and put it in my pct ..after,, as big said u get those clomid dosages in line along with pct start time.... with 3 test based roids (even tho dball and eq only have very minor overlap considering the time frame eq kicks in) id personally use some estro control but that me...i tend to err on the side of caution....

  6. #6
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    ^^^im pretty sure it is, because i just did the same thing on paper not 5 seconds ago...if you add all the doses up thats the total for the ENTIRE week...WINGER11 make sure you take the recommended dosages for each individual day of the week

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vishus View Post
    ^^^im pretty sure it is, because i just did the same thing on paper not 5 seconds ago...if you add all the doses up thats the total for the ENTIRE week...WINGER11 make sure you take the recommended dosages for each individual day of the week
    makes sense, I'm so used to seeing things written out in the typical fashion I just wasn't thinking.

  8. #8
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    ^^^no i think the kid wasnt just hopin he sees the posts we put up so he wont screw up his PCT

  9. #9
    no sorry guys i just put into week units instead of daily and ya 300 first day then 100 after i will drop to 50 last 2 weeks.

    hows the nolvadex and how does this effect my gains on keeping them?

    thanks guys and sorry for all the confusion!

  10. #10
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    ^^^hey no confusion here bro, we're just tryin to help you out. split the nolva like this in your PCT 40/40/20/20 you dont have to use in during your cycle unless you feel gyno coming on, i personally use arimidex at .25mg ED to keep sides away

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    yeahhhh id do this pct imo: clomid 100/50/50/50 and nolva 40/20/20/20
    on cycle you can use nolva at the dose u mentioned (ive donre it long asgo and made good gains - no problems) or i do now prefer adex at .25 eod or .5 eod ...or start adex at .25 eod and up to .25 ed whatever is necessary...several options

  12. #12
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    ^^^go with jimmy, i usually tend to forget that most of these guys (winger11) are bad, go with the dosages jimmyiknedup posted

  13. #13
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    like big said post cycle doesnt start untill 18 days after last injection of sustanon and if it were me id run the winstrol right up till post cycle.

    EX. week 9-15.5

  14. #14
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    ^^^ Vishus...hey bro .....there are several pcts that will work...thats just one id recommend opinion is just that my opinion ..there can be several good ,correct opinions....

  15. #15
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    i think he was agreeing with you angry beaver.

  16. #16
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    ^^ i didnt mean for it to be angry at all...i just didnt want him to think i was dismissing his input...thats all ...*L*
    btw i like the winny idea...
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 01-09-2009 at 10:34 PM.

  17. #17
    Thanks guys i also have a question about the sust should i shoot 250 on like monday and 250 thursday or all one shoot and can i add the EQ in the same syringe.

    the other question is with taking winstrol everyday what do i do about injection sites i usually shoot upper ass not so comfortable in the quad what options do i got? i also heard you can drink it would that be as effective?

  18. #18
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    Shoot the sustanon atleast twice a week but in reality eod would be much better to make use of the prop ester in the sus. You can mix eq in the same syringe. Drinking winny is less effective because of lower absorption but it can still be done.

  19. #19
    i cant shoot sust eod cuz it comes in amps and im only taking 500mgs a week 2 amps dont wanna leave it out and risk bacteria

    also what shooting everyday in my ass seems like it will be a problem what do guys do that inject like 20 times a week?

  20. #20
    I have a up coming cycle

    week 1 - 12 Sust 250 500mgs, EQ 500mgs
    week 1-4 Dbol 40mgs/ed
    week 9-15 winstrol 50/ed

    clomid therapy 100/100/50/50
    nolvadex 40/40/20/20

    How should i administer all these injections. About 10 injections a week.

    Also Last cycle did sust 250 for 10 weeks 500mgs, then on the 3rd week winstrol 250mgs for 10 weeks

    I went from 167 - 199 then fell to 180 because of a shit diet. Forums helped with a good diet. Looking to see what i can expect for gains with new cycle?

    im 5'10
    9$ BF
    21 Years old

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