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Thread: Hello

  1. #1


    Hello, I am new here.
    I am from Belgium and I've been lifting weights for 6 years now.
    I'm 17 but I'm turning 18 in two days.

    I have read A LOT about anabolic steroids, so I know what they are, and I know that on bodybuilding forums it's 'not done' to take steroids when you haven't reached the age of 21. Because of the side effects, and the permanent damage it could cause and you stop growing and so on...

    Something more about myself: I am an ecto, I've been training hard and eating hard (4000 kcals) for some years now, I have gained a few pounds But I want more, and I want it now!

    When I was 13 years old, I got acne and facial hair and stuff like that, so I was ahead of my age. I started growing and now I have the same lenght as I had 2 years ago, so I'm not going to grow any more...
    (so steroids can't stop my growth anymore...)

    I want to wait another year with AAS, but I ordered epistane last week.
    It's legal but still, it's almost like 'real' steroids.

    I ordered all of this.
    I am planning to use this, but I am not sure what I can expect it to do.
    I know I will get more acne, but are there other side effects I should be worrying about? (long term side effects)
    Is it possible I will get gyno?

    As a PCT I will use the inhibit-e, will this do? Or should I try to find nolvadex or clomid or something like that?
    Or are there any other products you recommend? (6-oxo or something else that comes to your mind?)

    Thanks for reading and for replying!

  2. #2
    Ow yes and another thing, I hope you can understand my post (since english isn't my mother tongue...)

    I also don't want to be banned for this, because it's a serious question and I would like to hear your reactions!

    I don't want you to think that I am some kind of retard who thinks it is cool to take anabolic steroids because you will get bigg when you use it
    I hate those people too because they give the rest, who do know what they are doing, a bad name.

    Thanks for your help!

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Welcome. You must be 18 to be a member here, so you will be suspended for 2 days.
    j/k, close enough for me
    I personally think 18 is too young for the epistane.
    what about your stats?
    body fat%?

  4. #4
    Ow... Well I become 18 wednesday.

    I am 1m75
    I weigh only 70kgs at the moment
    I became sick friday and lost 6kgs...
    My bodyfat is belof 6% , that's because I eat clean and I also do cycling and mountainbiking next to bodybuilding.

    Since I'm not blessed with a lot of motor units in my muscle fibers, my stats are to low to mention...

    I know it's very low, but I'm tired of being an ecto... I just need a kickstart to boost my confidence, and I will make it by keeping my workout and diet up...

    I know it's young, and I still have a lot of natural potention but still... I just want to see what it does to my body.
    I allready ordered the epistane so I am going to use it, that is my own choice.

    Can you tell me what other sides I will expercience? And what I can do about them?

  5. #5
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    a cycle will boost your confidence but when you come off and start loosing weight it will have a negative effect. especially being quite young still you may not be able to handle this fact!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by uk lad View Post
    a cycle will boost your confidence but when you come off and start loosing weight it will have a negative effect. especially being quite young still you may not be able to handle this fact!
    Possible... but then I will see that my body is capable of gaining that weight, so I will be motivated to get there, because now I have the idea that my body can't gain

    More comments please!

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    at your age, height, and weight your entire problem is one of diet.
    list your daily diet in detail.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    at your age, height, and weight your entire problem is one of diet.list your daily diet in detail.
    There is your answer, your problem is with your diet, go check out the diet section on bulking diets and learn more about the rights foods to eat, best of luck

  9. #9
    I have more than 4000 posts on a bodybuilding forum, I have been reading there for more than 2 years now,I know a lot about nutrition...

    I can't list my diet in detail because I don't eat the same foods every day.

    7 o'clock
    oatmeal, milk, bread

    10 o'clock
    6 slices of bread with chicken and mayonaise

    tuna, pasta, chicken, ... I don't eat the same every day offcourse

    4 o'clock
    weight gainer with 500ml milk
    whey shake

    6 o'clock
    whatever we are having for dinner, and lots of it

    before I go to sleep I eat a variety of things
    fruit, nuts, youghurt, ...

    I drink minimum 2 liters of water a day

    I didn't mention the amounts I am eating but every day I make sure I get a total of 3500kcals and 200 grams of protein, minimum.

    I am an ecto ofcourse but I think the main reason I don't seem to gain weigth is that I do other sports as well, and I thinkt the epistane could help me with that (temporarily ofcourse)

  10. #10
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    No source checks
    Which bb site? and dude thats not a great diet, wheres your pwo carbs just for starters??

  11. #11
    It's the duth variant of *******.com

    In the weightgainer, there are 43grams of complex carbs / 100 grams.

  12. #12
    If you don't look at my horrible stats and body weight, what comment would you give than? Don't be afraid to respond, YOU didn't set me up to do this, I made the choice all by myself, I'm just asking for some advice!
    Unlike this guy, I do know what I'm talking about, I am doing my last year secondary school, and we have to make a paper about a subject we can chose ourselves (about a 100 pages long). It has to be very serious, and I choose supplements and steroids, so I know what this stuff is...

    Please, feel free to respond.
    What can I expect (short/long term)

  13. #13
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Welcome and see you again soon.

  14. #14

  15. #15
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    Your body, your choice

  16. #16
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    Your diet needs a lot of work. Maybe you know something about steroids but you need nutrional help before you ever start a cycle.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Petrolheadz View Post
    If you don't look at my horrible stats and body weight, what comment would you give than? Don't be afraid to respond, YOU didn't set me up to do this, I made the choice all by myself, I'm just asking for some advice!
    Unlike this guy, I do know what I'm talking about, I am doing my last year secondary school, and we have to make a paper about a subject we can chose ourselves (about a 100 pages long). It has to be very serious, and I choose supplements and steroids, so I know what this stuff is...

    Please, feel free to respond.
    What can I expect (short/long term)
    if you are so knowledgable on what this stuff is then you should know you are not ready for hormonal supplementation.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Darksyde View Post
    if you are so knowledgable on what this stuff is then you should know you are not ready for hormonal supplementation.
    I know, it's not good for your body, everyone can tell you that...

    But WHY?
    Can you give concrete facts about what will happen to you when you do it?

  19. #19
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    ^^ Ya, there's a chance you will mess up your hormones for the rest of your life, among many other things. If you are doing a 100 page research paper on this, you shouldn't have to ask that question.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Jfew44 View Post
    ^^ Ya, there's a chance you will mess up your hormones for the rest of your life, among many other things. If you are doing a 100 page research paper on this, you shouldn't have to ask that question.
    My paper is about ergogenics. So everything (from food to supps to roids)

    Yea I know that, it could mess up my hormones for the rest of my life. But how? Can you explain that?
    Everyone keeps saying it's all bad for you under the age of 21. But you never read why, and what could happen, and I never got an example of someone who it happened to

    So come on... I need facts!

    (and what makes the difference, 21 is the right age, 18 isn't? You can be ready dor it at 16, and your body couldn't be ready for it when you're 25, you understand?)

  21. #21
    people dont like to post about it especially when they are experiencing it, but there are increasing cases of 25 yr olds with a bunch of ill planned steroid cycles in their past that are experiencing things like ED, premature male pattern baldness, blood pressure issues, heavy acne scarring, basically things no 25 yr old should be having to deal with.

    so 5 yrs from now when you have smart'nd up and your trying to lay some broad, you can tell her your pee pee doesnt work because you did a bunch of steroids as a teen improperly and tonight you forgot your viagara pills.

    your body is in the best shape of its life, even if you dont see it in the mirror, when you are in your late teens and twenties. use this time to your advantage.

    heres a little story for you. i get asked more and more by young guys in the gym about steroids and prohormones. im often shocked to hear 17 yr old kids tell me of their prohormone cycles and steroid cycles. one example, a kid i talk to all the time, is 17 and has run several prohormone cycles already.
    so here is our example of our young kid on hormones. guess what? he messed up his back lifting too much weight because the PH made him feel stronger, as well as his shoulder. he cant do all the lifts he wants because he has injuries that dont seem to go away. aparently he hurt his back a year ago and it is still not right (he needs surgery). im trying to help this guy out by showing him the big exercises that build mass naturally, but hey he cant squat. or deadlift. benching hurts his shoulder if its too much weight.

    so what did those few cycles of hormones to weigh 10 more pounds for a month cost him? way too much in my book.

    steroids are not a magic pill. you pay for everything in life, eventually. may as well pay for your muscles with hard work now.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darksyde View Post
    people dont like to post about it especially when they are experiencing it, but there are increasing cases of 25 yr olds with a bunch of ill planned steroid cycles in their past that are experiencing things like ED, premature male pattern baldness, blood pressure issues, heavy acne scarring, basically things no 25 yr old should be having to deal with.

    so 5 yrs from now when you have smart'nd up and your trying to lay some broad, you can tell her your pee pee doesnt work because you did a bunch of steroids as a teen improperly and tonight you forgot your viagara pills.

    your body is in the best shape of its life, even if you dont see it in the mirror, when you are in your late teens and twenties. use this time to your advantage.

    heres a little story for you. i get asked more and more by young guys in the gym about steroids and prohormones. im often shocked to hear 17 yr old kids tell me of their prohormone cycles and steroid cycles. one example, a kid i talk to all the time, is 17 and has run several prohormone cycles already.
    so here is our example of our young kid on hormones. guess what? he messed up his back lifting too much weight because the PH made him feel stronger, as well as his shoulder. he cant do all the lifts he wants because he has injuries that dont seem to go away. aparently he hurt his back a year ago and it is still not right (he needs surgery). im trying to help this guy out by showing him the big exercises that build mass naturally, but hey he cant squat. or deadlift. benching hurts his shoulder if its too much weight.

    so what did those few cycles of hormones to weigh 10 more pounds for a month cost him? way too much in my book.

    steroids are not a magic pill. you pay for everything in life, eventually. may as well pay for your muscles with hard work now.


    I am living proof, I took Superdrol and Bold 200 (not together) when I was 18 and I knew my **** about pro-hormones and read the ins and outs of it just like how I did before I did steroids. My diet was amazing and I worked out like 5 days a week and didn't miss a workout for NOTHING. Did a good pct and everything.

    Nonetheless, years later I still have Erectile Dysnfunction issues

    I mean I can get my soldier up but it won't be at full attention if you know what I am saying.

    And its the worst feeling in the world because just like you said, when your doing **** with a girl and you know you can't get it up and your viagra is not on you, guess what happens? The girl gets all the fun and you get left with nothing if you catch my drift.

    Looking back on it, I def. would say it was a dumb decision, I have to live with ED now at the prime of my age and take pills for the rest of my life.

    Be Smart Bro, Best of Luck

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Welcome. You must be 18 to be a member here, so you will be suspended for 2 days.
    j/k, close enough for me
    I personally think 18 is too young for the epistane.
    what about your stats?
    body fat%?
    I agree,,,at age 18 your natural hormone production is roaring,,,all you need is proper diet and training.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Darksyde View Post
    people dont like to post about it especially when they are experiencing it, but there are increasing cases of 25 yr olds with a bunch of ill planned steroid cycles in their past that are experiencing things like ED, premature male pattern baldness, blood pressure issues, heavy acne scarring, basically things no 25 yr old should be having to deal with.

    so 5 yrs from now when you have smart'nd up and your trying to lay some broad, you can tell her your pee pee doesnt work because you did a bunch of steroids as a teen improperly and tonight you forgot your viagara pills.

    your body is in the best shape of its life, even if you dont see it in the mirror, when you are in your late teens and twenties. use this time to your advantage.

    heres a little story for you. i get asked more and more by young guys in the gym about steroids and prohormones. im often shocked to hear 17 yr old kids tell me of their prohormone cycles and steroid cycles. one example, a kid i talk to all the time, is 17 and has run several prohormone cycles already.
    so here is our example of our young kid on hormones. guess what? he messed up his back lifting too much weight because the PH made him feel stronger, as well as his shoulder. he cant do all the lifts he wants because he has injuries that dont seem to go away. aparently he hurt his back a year ago and it is still not right (he needs surgery). im trying to help this guy out by showing him the big exercises that build mass naturally, but hey he cant squat. or deadlift. benching hurts his shoulder if its too much weight.

    so what did those few cycles of hormones to weigh 10 more pounds for a month cost him? way too much in my book.

    steroids are not a magic pill. you pay for everything in life, eventually. may as well pay for your muscles with hard work now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post


    I am living proof, I took Superdrol and Bold 200 (not together) when I was 18 and I knew my **** about pro-hormones and read the ins and outs of it just like how I did before I did steroids. My diet was amazing and I worked out like 5 days a week and didn't miss a workout for NOTHING. Did a good pct and everything.

    Nonetheless, years later I still have Erectile Dysnfunction issues

    I mean I can get my soldier up but it won't be at full attention if you know what I am saying.

    And its the worst feeling in the world because just like you said, when your doing **** with a girl and you know you can't get it up and your viagra is not on you, guess what happens? The girl gets all the fun and you get left with nothing if you catch my drift.

    Looking back on it, I def. would say it was a dumb decision, I have to live with ED now at the prime of my age and take pills for the rest of my life.

    Be Smart Bro, Best of Luck
    That's the kind of stories I need to hear

  25. #25
    Anyone else?

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