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  1. #1
    TYRONE08 is offline New Member
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    newbie needs help

    im 18 6'4 just cut down to about 190 lbs with 7% body fat after being 215 lbs with 12% body fat. i just started lifting again after cutting for months and right now im just taking a prohormone but i wanna put on alot of muscle so i can wrestle as heavyweight and ive decided to use steroids . Ive learned quite a bit fromwhat ive read on this site but i was just looking for some advice from a veteran on how to go about my first cycle and wich steroid and other products i should use.

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    You need to wait a few more years before considering the use of steroids .

  3. #3
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TYRONE08 View Post
    im 18 6'4 just cut down to about 190 lbs with 7% body fat after being 215 lbs with 12% body fat. i just started lifting again after cutting for months and right now im just taking a prohormone but i wanna put on alot of muscle so i can wrestle as heavyweight and ive decided to use steroids. Ive learned quite a bit fromwhat ive read on this site but i was just looking for some advice from a veteran on how to go about my first cycle and wich steroid and other products i should use.
    at 18 you shouldn't even be taking PHs, you need to eat, eat, then eat somemore, then train, then eat, then sleep, and repeat

    seriously, noone on here is going to recommend you a cycle at your age as that would be irresponsible

  4. #4
    TYRONE08 is offline New Member
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    no thanks both my cousins starting taking steroids when they were younger than me and now they are both college champs. ive been considering this for a while bro trust me i know what im doing.

  5. #5
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TYRONE08 View Post
    im 18.
    That's where everyone following this post is going to stop reading.

    You are too young for steroids , you could possibly mess up your endocrine systems, erectile dysfunction, impotence, etc.

    You know the drill, if you have read threads on here like you said, this is what everyone will tell you.

  6. #6
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TYRONE08 View Post
    no thanks both my cousins starting taking steroids when they were younger than me and now they are both college champs. ive been considering this for a while bro trust me i know what im doing.
    i doubt it

    how bout giving me a summary of the side effects to your body when you take steroids at our age?

  7. #7
    TYRONE08 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i doubt it

    how bout giving me a summary of the side effects to your body when you take steroids at our age?
    no i dont know alot about what im doing exactly but i do know what i want to do is what i was trying to get across

  8. #8
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TYRONE08 View Post
    no thanks both my cousins starting taking steroids when they were younger than me and now they are both college champs. ive been considering this for a while bro trust me i know what im doing.
    What does them being college champs have to do with permantely screwing up your hormones?

    How would you like to have erectile dysfunction in your 20's?

  9. #9
    TYRONE08 is offline New Member
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    im actually 20.

  10. #10
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TYRONE08 View Post
    no i dont know alot about what im doing exactly but i do know what i want to do is what i was trying to get across
    You don't know, listen to what your doing, YOUR A WRESTLER, what do wrestlers have to do? CUT WEIGHT/EAT A SMALL DIET TO NOT GAIN WEIGHT.

    So what do you think is going to happen to your gains once season starts and you have to watch what you eat? Your gains are going to go away.

    Trust me, when I was in high school I know several wrestlers who did steroids in the off-season and were big and then when wrestling season started they started to lose their gains and before you know it they were VERY LEAN almost back to their own weight. Especially in high school, wrestlers are notorious for not eating even a sufficient amount of calories during season. I knew a kid who ate ice because he couldn't gain weight for wrestling so he would eat ice to quench his hunger.

  11. #11
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TYRONE08 View Post
    im actually 20.
    Quote Originally Posted by TYRONE08 View Post
    im 18

    btw i doubt you are 20 unless you got held back

    TYRONE08<<<< your name and the year you graduated, i'm a 2008 grad too so that's not gonna get by me

  12. #12
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TYRONE08 View Post
    im actually 20.
    Alright now your just trying to insult our intelligence, we were looking out for you and now you think we are stupid or something.

    Best luck in whatever you end up doing.

    Im out

  13. #13
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    here bro, i'm going to give you a choice, i can either

    A) show you what you are going to be doing to your body so you know how much of a mistake you are going to make, then help you with diet and such so you can make use of the huge amount of natural potential you have since we are in our growing prime right now

    B) let you hurt yourself since i can't stop you from searching and finding the info you want on this site

    make your choice

  14. #14
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TYRONE08 View Post
    6'4 just cut down to about 190 lbs with 7% body fat after being 215 lbs with 12% body fat
    Your age aside, you are nowhere near your potential at 6'4". I know where you're coming from bro. When I graduated high school I was 6'4" 195lbs with 8% bf. I am now a junior in college and before starting my first cycle I was a solid 230 with 8%. You need to learn how to eat or steroids won't do a thing for you. I learned that the hard way my first cycle and didn't gain anything. Instead of telling us you know everything why don't you humble yourself and do a little research.

  15. #15
    joiningthedarkside is offline Associate Member
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    08 phate? ur 20 arnt u?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by joiningthedarkside View Post
    08 phate? ur 20 arnt u?
    no, i'm 19 and i repeated kindergarden twice, most of my classmates were 17-18 and i was the oldest in my class, i turned 19 in may right before we graduated

  17. #17
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    ^^ well obviously not. he must be 18 or just turning 19... I really doubt Phate was held back in school. lol

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    ^^ well obviously not. he must be 18 or just turning 19... I really doubt Phate was held back in school. lol
    correct, but my mother had my little bro and i repeat kindergarden so that we would be older than everyone in our grade

  19. #19
    joiningthedarkside is offline Associate Member
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    haha ight just checking didnt need ur whole life story tho!

  20. #20
    TTexas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post

    btw i doubt you are 20 unless you got held back

    TYRONE08<<<< your name and the year you graduated, i'm a 2008 grad too so that's not gonna get by me
    Phate ur 19??
    Suspicious amount of knowledge for such a youngster...
    Earlier I was joking about u being a fed... Now Im second guessing

    Not hijacked sorry
    Last edited by TTexas; 01-12-2009 at 12:49 AM.

  21. #21
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    correct, but my mother had my little bro and i repeat kindergarden so that we would be older than everyone in our grade
    Why would you want this? Im confused...

  22. #22
    Brown Ninja's Avatar
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    as if being 20 makes it any better.

  23. #23
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TTexas View Post
    Phate ur 19??
    Suspicious amount of knowledge for such a youngster...
    Earlier I was joking about u being a fed... Now Im second guessing

    Not hijacked sorry
    so because i'm 19 and knowledgable i'm suspicious, LMAO

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    so because i'm 19 and knowledgable i'm suspicious, LMAO
    LOL well u did claim to be knowledgable and fail kindergarden TWICE in the same thread

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by TTexas View Post
    LOL well u did claim to be knowledgable and fail kindergarden TWICE in the same thread

    i said i repeated, not failed, big difference bro

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post

    i said i repeated, not failed, big difference bro
    LOL most folks who claimed to have "repeated" a grade had failed it and were just trying to chuch it up

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by TTexas View Post
    LOL most folks who claimed to have "repeated" a grade had failed it and were just trying to chuch it up
    you mean shush right?

    anyway, i don't shush up things, i'm knowledgable on this site because i research this information, it's interesting to me as it pertains to all three of my majors and my minor as well as my lifestyle

    sorry if i got defensive but i get tired of giving people advice only to have them say "i don't take advice from people younger than me" when they learn my age, does my age make my advice wrong or something, should i wait till i'm 25 then say the same thing and it'll be true?

    anyway, sorry if i went on rant, just a major sore spot for me

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    you mean shush right?

    anyway, i don't shush up things, i'm knowledgable on this site because i research this information, it's interesting to me as it pertains to all three of my majors and my minor as well as my lifestyle

    sorry if i got defensive but i get tired of giving people advice only to have them say "i don't take advice from people younger than me" when they learn my age, does my age make my advice wrong or something, should i wait till i'm 25 then say the same thing and it'll be true?

    anyway, sorry if i went on rant, just a major sore spot for me
    Its OK ill just kick ur ass later!
    No I meant "church" it up... I thought that being from tx u might know some good trailer-park slang!
    U have given me good advice in the past so I take ur comments serious despite ur lack of kindergarden skillz lol
    What area u from brah?

  29. #29
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TTexas View Post
    Its OK ill just kick ur ass later!
    No I meant "church" it up... I thought that being from tx u might know some good trailer-park slang!
    U have given me good advice in the past so I take ur comments serious despite ur lack of kindergarden skillz lol
    What area u from brah?
    i've never heard church it up before, lol

    and like i said, my bad on the rant

    i don't even know how to describe my area, i live in a town about an hour from abilene

    you're from houston area right?
    Last edited by Phate; 01-12-2009 at 01:51 AM.

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