hi all
i have started my cycle with 100mg testo p eod and 100mg tren a eod.....and som other shit i pop.
but here the question: will you ever stand the pain of testo p???
(i already dropped the tren a,switched to tren E)
its ****ing insane pain with testo p i have tried many brands but same deal always,and when i inject the delt or biceps i cant move my shoulders/arms for about 2-3 days sow the träning getts behind and that make me go crazy..
sow i will switch to testo E,i have no choice,,,what about blood levels?will they drop when i switch to testo e? i will shoot 1000mg for 3 weeks in arrow sow it kicks in faster...i have been on testo p 2 weeks soon...
guys i dont now what to do,is it possible that i cant handel fast ester roids?(inject)
im sow pissed right now cause my training is lagging....
any tip??? im going insane for real,,,
the muscles when i inject in it feels like it gonna burn after 4-8 hours then it gets hard like hell i can barely move.......doesnt matter what muscles i inject in,,same feeling pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
no more fast ester inject for me