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Thread: Another Quick Clomid Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Another Quick Clomid Question

    Alright, my cycle is all done. I will start Clomid in about 12 days. HOWEVER, i was wondering, since my testicles haven't realy shrunk any, and since my ejaculate seems like normal as before...can i SKIP my Clomid therapy??? Or is it just to be safe and do it anyways? I do have the Clomid. Is it possible to do LESS? Since i did a very light cycle (200mg/4 days of Enanthate) can I do like less Clomid? Instead of the normal 300mg/100mg/50mg style.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I wouldn't risk it and I'd just do the full clomid cycle. I suppose you could do 1 week at 100mg/day and 1 week at 50mg/day (I know people who do this), but I'd say just do the regular 300/100/50.

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