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  1. #1
    perry75K is offline New Member
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    hardcore cycle advice?

    Stats: 19 years old (dont bother telling me to wait... i know how to take care of myself with pct and everything els)
    13.3% BF (just tested at ymca on a machine that should be accurate)

    This is the cycle that i plan on running, i just came up with it so it may be a little rough. ( not first cycle BTW )

    more of a bulk/strength cycle, not that worried about cutting.

    test prop-150mg/ed -7 weeks
    Anadrol -100mg/ed – 7 weeks
    M-tren - 5mg/ed – 7 weeks


    Breakfast: 4 eggs, 16 oz skim milk, 16 oz water, 2 cups oatmeal
    brunch: 50 grams isopure protein ( i know i should be eating but im in college and it sucks)
    Lunch: i eat at school between classes and films so i try to eat healthy, usually mixed veggies some pasta and a 1/2 pound of chicken along with 16 oz skim milk, and 16 oz water
    after lunch:50 grams isopure protein ( i know i should be eating but im in college and it sucks) !this is also after my lift!
    Dinner: me and my buddy usually grill up some cheap steaks 1/2-.75 pounds steak, maybe a potato and skim milk.
    Before bed: 50 grams casein protein.

  2. #2
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    When you say M-tren you mean this right: Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Methyltrienolone (R1881)

    Cause that is WAY to high of a dose to start out with. Go low first to see how you react and you can up it from there. I wouldn't even start at 2mg/ed

  3. #3
    perry75K is offline New Member
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    ya by m-tren i mean Methyltrienolone and i also thought that does was way to high i just talked to my guy and he said that the people he talks to do doses even higher than 5mg per day.

  4. #4
    perry75K is offline New Member
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    i have never used Methyltrienolone before, does anyone have any first hand experience on what starting doses should be other than what they read on Steroid .com????

  5. #5
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Well good for them. People take deca /dbol cycles and they say it works. YOu seen those people's blood work?? You want advice and mine is to start slow on that compound. Read the profile in detail and how at 2mg people were getting jaudice. Not saying you can't go to that amount but at your age you need to be smart and not burn yourself out so quick cause you'll just go higher and higher and it will cost you more and more.

  6. #6
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Here you go. There is this log and another log posted by a vet in that thread that will give you first hand experience. ----> Methyltrienolone

  7. #7
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    Quote Originally Posted by perry75K View Post
    Stats: 19 years old (dont bother telling me to wait... i know how to take care of myself with pct and everything els)
    13.3% BF (just tested at ymca on a machine that should be accurate)

    This is the cycle that i plan on running, i just came up with it so it may be a little rough. ( not first cycle BTW )

    more of a bulk/strength cycle, not that worried about cutting.

    test prop-150mg/ed -7 weeks
    Anadrol -100mg/ed – 7 weeks
    M-tren - 5mg/ed – 7 weeks


    Breakfast: 4 eggs, 16 oz skim milk, 16 oz water, 2 cups oatmeal
    brunch: 50 grams isopure protein ( i know i should be eating but im in college and it sucks)
    Lunch: i eat at school between classes and films so i try to eat healthy, usually mixed veggies some pasta and a 1/2 pound of chicken along with 16 oz skim milk, and 16 oz water
    after lunch:50 grams isopure protein ( i know i should be eating but im in college and it sucks) !this is also after my lift!
    Dinner: me and my buddy usually grill up some cheap steaks 1/2-.75 pounds steak, maybe a potato and skim milk.
    Before bed: 50 grams casein protein.
    Dude, you are 19!!!!

    750 mg Test P/week WTF?!! and 100 mg Anadrol ED.

    You don't wanna reach you 40's now, do you?!

    Besides your diet sucks!!
    and yeah, iam flaming you because you are acting so irresponsible towards your self. No one is gettin' hurt here except you my friend, re-think what you are about to do.

    Be safe man.

  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    ^^agreed, far to young, change that diet and you will reach you goals..

  9. #9
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    My 1st cycle was at 24 and do regret that, because if I had known back then as much as you knew now about diet, I would have been way happier with natty gains from diet. And would have taken advantage of my natty Test that I barely have any of now.

    do your self a favor my friend, visit the diet forum, for the next few day, read up. I gained shit load of mass with good diet, you can do that too. You already making about 50mg Test/week naturally. Use it.

  10. #10
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Perry, I'm not going to tell you that you're too young for AAS. You're 19, and you can do whatever the hell you want to your body. Nevertheless, I have a couple of suggestions:

    a.) you need to work on your diet. I'm glad you realize that it's terrible. I'm also in college, and I eat MUCH better then that. Even last year when I lived in residence, I found ways to eat healthy. That said, you need to cut out some of those shakes. They aren't going to help you. Get some more natural protein into that diet... learn how to shop smart and buy products that're high protein / low cost

    b.) If you're eating at school why don't you just prepackage some meals and bring them to school? Someone once told me "garbage in = garbage gains"... this is definitely going to happen with the diet you have just proposed. You're not eating nearly enough beneficial nutrients in your body, thus it will not grow effective naturally, LET ALONE, on AAS

    c.) those doses are WAY too high for a 19 year old. Even though you have previously cycled. I just wouldn't recommend it... but like I said do whatever you want. Just prepare to be a bald freak at age 26.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by seriousmass; 01-13-2009 at 04:48 PM.

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