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Thread: something seems a little fishy here

  1. #1

    something seems a little fishy here

    ok i was thinking of getting some dbol to jump start my cycle for the first 4 weeks. the only thing is the guy im trying to get this from says his dbol is capsules not tabs and u only need to take one a day. and he wouldnt exactly say the mgs of these caps. that just seems weird as hell to me. think i should just stick with the test c for first cycle? any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    If he doesn't know the mg they are most likely fake. I ran into the exact same situation a few years ago with anavar. They of coarse turned out to be fake. Stick to test only for your first cycle. Is it from the same guy?

  3. #3
    no the test was from a different guy

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Dec 2005
    dbol in capsules is not weird, but a source not knowing the mg is someone I wouldn't deal with.

  5. #5
    ok thats y i asked u guys before i did anything..thanks

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