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Thread: Easing in Help

  1. #1
    STnewbie is offline New Member
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    Easing in Help

    I have been doing a bit of research, and I wanted to get some opinions on what I have been considering.

    First of all, a little background information:
    I am now a bit out of shape. I, at one point only two years ago, was training to be in a local competition, nothing great, but a start, but I was using nothing but normal supplements (creatine, protein, yada yada yada). Finishing school and beginning work (a traveling job at that) has left me way from where I want to be. I was looking into options to help aid in recovery for working out and help results along a bit quicker than diet and exercise alone.

    To this end, I was looking to avoid injections, as this may be a bit hard to hide from my fiance, and also trying to avoid killing my liver.

    My goal is mostly to cut-up and look good more than bulking up a lot. To this end, I am considering the following:

    Glonavar (Anovar) 20mg-30mg/day
    Primobolic 100-200mg/day

    The positive to this is no need for anti-estrogens as they are not aromatic, but I was still considering possibly adding Nolvadex to be safe, but I don't want to do more than I need too.

    Knowing my goals and a bit of background, is this a good choice? If not, could you offer any suggestions?

  2. #2
    CMPD213 is offline Associate Member
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    What are your stats right now? I mean if you workout for 2 or 3 months like you used to most of your gains will come back, so why not try it before spending all that money. Those are two of the most expensive compounds next to HGH... I just think you should give your body a chance to bounce back on it's own

  3. #3
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    no, no and no

    orals are worse on your liver usually. not anavar but overall most are.

    primo will shut down your natty test levels and you dont want that. youll need to run test. so youll need to do shots

    and first and foremost... you say your out of shape... how bout you get in the gym. post up your diet and training regimen along with your STATS on this forum. and get in shape naturally first.

    then your gains from a cycle will be that much better

    and if your stuck without being able to do injections... then you cant cycle IMO

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you arent going to be able to eat right and train right there is no point to using steroids . They arent magic!

  5. #5
    STnewbie is offline New Member
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    The eating right and training right is no longer the problem. I've finally moved out of the constant travelling and 12-20 hour work days (including weekends... don't contract for the Navy).

    I agree that I will need to work out naturally to begin, but I want more than I had before.

    I am not completely against using injections, but I really worry about suppliers. I know some places to get these items, but an abscess or something worse is far from appealing.

    Anyway, when would be the best time to start, and with what?

    Also, I saw the thread on newb stacks, but I don't know what is aimed best towards my goals.

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    If you inject correctly there should be know problems with abscess. If i was you i would spend the next 12months, eating well and training hard. Stay on the board and read as much as you can. Then in 12months, you will be in a better position to put a cycle up..

  7. #7
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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  8. #8
    STnewbie is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Age: 30
    Weight: 215
    Height: 5'7
    BF% ? it's probably around 15-20% .. I know.. bad

    Biceps: 18 in
    Chest: 42 in
    Thigh: 26 in

    (It's the waist that gets me right now, but that will be changing)

    not current max, but I will ease back too:
    Bench: 330 3 rep (way low)
    Dead Lift: 500
    Squat: 360 (I never maxxed .. I had a hard time with recoup from leg days) but I was doing 12-10-10 reps
    leg press: I believe 810 was the max plates I could get on it or 720? maybe 900, in that range.

    I'll have more accurate figures on current max's soon, if that's necessary.

    Ok, More towards my goal, I am getting married later this year, Fall time frame. I want to be perfect for those pictures. I know what I need to do diet and gymwise, I just was more curious for help towards those goals.
    Last edited by STnewbie; 01-15-2009 at 11:55 AM.

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