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  1. #1
    JimJonesXL is offline New Member
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    When Running Equipoise w/ Test E What Compound Should Be Dosed Higher?


    Im planning on running a 12 week cycle of Test E and EQ, I was wondering if running the test slightly higher than the eq is a good idea or vice versa?

    I was thinking about something like this:
    Test E 500mgs/wk
    EQ 400mgs/wk


  2. #2
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    since EQ is weaker. you can run it higher.

    In my opinion EQ should be ran for longer then 12 weeks

  3. #3
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimJonesXL View Post

    Im planning on running a 12 week cycle of Test E and EQ, I was wondering if running the test slightly higher than the eq is a good idea or vice versa?

    I was thinking about something like this:
    Test E 500mgs/wk
    EQ 400mgs/wk

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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    since EQ is weaker. you can run it higher.

    In my opinion EQ should be ran for longer then 12 weeks

  4. #4
    Thunder Monkey's Avatar
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    Typically Test-E is run @ 500mg /wk and EQ @ 400mg /wk. Test-E at that dosage is a good cycle if run alone or stacked with EQ. 400mg /wk is plenty good enough for EQ, more isn't always better and too little is a waste. Some will argue that EQ itself is a waste, but thats another story.

    Anyway the Test-E for your cycle is the bread and butter. Don't worry about whats higher than what, just take 500mg /wk usually every 3 days or a Monday/Thursday split. Usually Test-E is 250mg/ml so you will be injecting 1ml on Mon and 1ml on Thurs for Test-E.

    EQ is usually found in 200mg/ml doses. If you stack them, inject 1ml Test/1ml EQ on Mon and same for Thurs.

    Good luck and enjoy your cycle.

  5. #5
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    it doesn't matter which is higher. its all preference.

  6. #6
    SpiderRico's Avatar
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    test imo

  7. #7
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    in march im running
    1-13wk test e @ 500mg/wk
    1-12wk EQ @ 500mg/wk

    run the test longer because EQ has a longer ester than enth. Log your gains man. I wanna see what i can get and what someone else can get just for reference

  8. #8
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    in march im running
    1-13wk test e @ 500mg/wk
    1-12wk EQ @ 500mg/wk

    run the test longer because EQ has a longer ester than enth. Log your gains man. I wanna see what i can get and what someone else can get just for reference
    You can definitely bump up the eq. It is such a weak compound. Gains are minimal.

  9. #9
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimJonesXL View Post

    Im planning on running a 12 week cycle of Test E and EQ, I was wondering if running the test slightly higher than the eq is a good idea or vice versa?

    I was thinking about something like this:
    Test E 500mgs/wk
    EQ 400mgs/wk

    I think how you like it is fine,,,500mg wk TEST,,,400mg wk EQ

  10. #10
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post

    In my opinion EQ should be ran for longer then 12 weeks
    i've always been told this as well but don't know the rationale....can someone clarify?

    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    You can definitely bump up the eq. It is such a weak compound. Gains are minimal.
    i was considering EQ for my last cycle and a couple buddies claimed it wasn't even worth the money, i'd still like to run it in my next bulker maybe though.

  11. #11
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw

    In my opinion EQ should be ran for longer then 12 weeks

    i've always been told this as well but don't know the rationale....can someone clarify?

    Same here. I never understood this, does this mean one should start the EQ 2-3 weeks before a 12 week test cycle for the "slow steady gains" reported from Eq and end both at the same time? Or should you start both at same time and run the Eq a couple weeks longer? How does that effect PCT start times?

  12. #12
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    bump for people with the right information.......

  13. #13
    nyjetsfan86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    i've always been told this as well but don't know the rationale....can someone clarify?

    i was considering EQ for my last cycle and a couple buddies claimed it wasn't even worth the money, i'd still like to run it in my next bulker maybe though.
    why in your next bulker isnt eq more of a cutter than bulker.....i agree with your buddies ive tried it and didnt like the results but everyone is different and eveyrone has their preference

  14. #14
    nyjetsfan86's Avatar
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    you really dont need to know this info hes just asking which should be dosed higher hes not asking how much to do or anything like that

  15. #15
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    i like eq at 600mgs/week. If someone was to run it at less than that say 400 id def frontload. Eq takes a while for results to show 12 weeks is usually a minimum time based on allowing you to maximize benfits of eq. However there are many ,imo, added benfits eq brings to the table besides its stand alone ability to build muscle. Also gains from eq are well retained. Its just like most other compounds with a higher anabolic and lower androgenic ratio....gains come slower but last longer.... (primo etc.....)

  16. #16
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Same here. I never understood this, does this mean one should start the EQ 2-3 weeks before a 12 week test cycle for the "slow steady gains" reported from Eq and end both at the same time? Or should you start both at same time and run the Eq a couple weeks longer? How does that effect PCT start times?
    no you do not need start eq before the test. and dont run it longer than the test. it needs to be ran longer because it is a weak compound and gains come much slower than other compounds. To make it worth while (although I never think its worth while) you should run it for at least 14wks. what this means is you must extend your entire cycle. run your test to 16-18wks depending on how long you run the eq 14-16wks.

  17. #17
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    i like eq at 600mgs/week. If someone was to run it at less than that say 400 id def frontload. Eq takes a while for results to show 12 weeks is usually a minimum time based on allowing you to maximize benfits of eq. However there are many ,imo, added benfits eq brings to the table besides its stand alone ability to build muscle. Also gains from eq are well retained. Its just like most other compounds with a higher anabolic and lower androgenic ratio....gains come slower but last longer.... (primo etc.....)
    also like jimmy has stated I wouldn't run it at less than 600mg ew.

  18. #18
    Shurik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mx3 View Post
    no you do not need start eq before the test. and dont run it longer than the test. it needs to be ran longer because it is a weak compound and gains come much slower than other compounds. To make it worth while (although I never think its worth while) you should run it for at least 14wks. what this means is you must extend your entire cycle. run your test to 16-18wks depending on how long you run the eq 14-16wks.
    What if you dont want to run test that long, could you not start the eq 1-2 weeks earlier and then throw some test in there??? That way you run eq 14wks and test 12wks.

  19. #19
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shurik View Post
    What if you dont want to run test that long, could you not start the eq 1-2 weeks earlier and then throw some test in there??? That way you run eq 14wks and test 12wks.
    I personally do not support running any compounds without test. The human body particulary males need test to function properly. Even though the eq had not kicked in yet does not mean it cannot have a negative impact, it is still active in the body the moment you start it. you may or may not see any negative effects within these first two wks or at all but i do not condone it so I say no to starting eq before test. Either run a longer cycle, run the eq shorter than we have recommended and not recieve max befefits or pick a different compound.

  20. #20
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    dont mean to bust this thread but I have 2 bottles of eq that will only go to waste if I dont use them (the equivalent to flushing money down the toilet) 200mg/ml and I was wondering you useful it would be to ADD IT INTO my test e cycle-500mg/wk and proviron -50mg ed cycle (thinking im gona go with the test for 15wks)...

    I am running adex and hcg along side these compounds

    pct will probably be clomid/nolva 50/20 for 3-4wks

    I am entering 3rd wk of test on 2/16/09

    Would running the EQ @ 400mg/wk for 10wks (stopping after the 12th wk of test) be ok??

    I cant really get ahold of any more EQ and i cant seem to get rid of it either (i have had it for like 2yrs) and like I said just letting it go to waste would be really dumb so... any suggestions

  21. #21
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    that would be a little short for eq imo.. id try and find some more if your gonna use it

  22. #22
    ottomaddox's Avatar
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    You've been a member since 2006 and you're hijacking someone elses thread, you should know better. Start your own thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    dont mean to bust this thread but I have 2 bottles of eq that will only go to waste if I dont use them (the equivalent to flushing money down the toilet) 200mg/ml and I was wondering you useful it would be to ADD IT INTO my test e cycle-500mg/wk and proviron -50mg ed cycle (thinking im gona go with the test for 15wks)...

    I am running adex and hcg along side these compounds

    pct will probably be clomid/nolva 50/20 for 3-4wks

    I am entering 3rd wk of test on 2/16/09

    Would running the EQ @ 400mg/wk for 10wks (stopping after the 12th wk of test) be ok??

    I cant really get ahold of any more EQ and i cant seem to get rid of it either (i have had it for like 2yrs) and like I said just letting it go to waste would be really dumb so... any suggestions

  23. #23
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    I get great results on...600mg a week EQ...750mg a week TEST E...

  24. #24
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    WOW, lots of regurgitated information here.....

    First of all. TEST does NOT have to be run higher in ANY cycle. It depends on the goals of the cycle. You just need enough test in you to compensate for the natural test production being shut down. You could safely run 100mgs/week and libido should be just fine since the body produces less than that in a week.

    HOWEVER, if your goals are to use Test for more then just supplementing your natural test, THEN you need to increase the dose accordingly. 500 is NOT some magic number, it is just what everyone spats out because that is what we all have been told or heard.
    NOT that 500 is bad, but you can grow off of 250, 300, 400 as well as 500

    Now for EQ, this is a widely controversial compound as some love it, and some hate it. Most will say that anything less than 600 mgs/week for NO less than 14-16 weeks would be a waste. I read posts where the user was happy with 400 mgs and I have read posts where 400 mgs did nothing. I have used EQ and didn't like it , JMHO

    I think with EQ you just have to trial and error it if you want to go through all that. There are other factors involved as well that could cause good results from a lower dose as well as bad results. Diet, Training, other compounds used etc.....

    hope this helps....

  25. #25
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    I'd run the eq at a much higher dose. I know a guy who ran it at 1200mg and said it was no big deal. I ran it at 800mg for the first couple of weeks and 600mg for the remainder of the cycle. I'm telling you, gains are minimal. If you're trying to bulk, forget eq. Now deca on the other hand...........

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    You've been a member since 2006 and you're hijacking someone elses thread, you should know better. Start your own thread.

    haha you're right dude. my fault everyone

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