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  1. #1
    DaddyJax is offline New Member
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    My noobie head is spinning

    I have been reading and reading and reading....and I am soo spun around that I cannot see straight. Please try not bash me for not wanting to read another sticky of shit ton of info. I read through them all and I am looking for personal experience and advice. Thanks

    I am considering a cycle for the first time but want as little side effects as possible. I am in my 30's and have a family with kids so I dont want to get too aggressive or have severe mood swings. I am not looking to gain massive amounts of muscle but want to gain some and would like to lose some BF as well. I am around 13-15% BF (I think) and workout 3-5 times a week along with a physical job.

    I am 5'8 and 170lbs
    From what I have read Test E or Prop would be good along with Arimidex to lessen the side effects and nolvadex for PCT

    Is this good and if so what doses, if not what recomendations.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    A good beginner cycle is 500mg of test e a week. Your gunna need a better PCT check out the PCT section

  3. #3
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Avoid the PROP. It means you're injecting ED or EOD. Most newbies cannot handle that. And usually it HURTS!!! test - E is the way too go.

  4. #4
    SmittyTheOX's Avatar
    SmittyTheOX is offline Member
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    If your worried about sides then id say a mild Test Eth cycle would be ideal for you. It will allow you to gauge your sensitivity and reaction to AAS.

    Id look at something like this:

    Week 1-12 400mg/week test eth (2 x 200mg shots, say wednesday/sunday)
    Week 15-16 40mg/day nolva
    Week 17-18 20mg/day nolva

    That would be more the sufficient. You wont need the Armidex with a cycle like this but its always a good idea to have a little on hand, just incase. People seem to have a necessity to over complicate and over think things.



  5. #5
    DaddyJax is offline New Member
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    Thanks, man, trying to get straight answers in some forums is like pulling teeth.

  6. #6
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    ^^ Here you go:

    Why Test for a First Cycle:

    these will help out. They're pretty basic, but will give you a good grasp on the different test - esters and why you would choose a particular one.

    good luck with the training.

  7. #7
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Can you post full stats?

    Training experience?

  8. #8
    DaddyJax is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Can you post full stats?

    Training experience?
    2500-3000cal per day with 150-160g protien and little carbs, clean diet mainly Egg whites, protien shakes and oatmeal with some PB Sands on whole wheat and a gal+ of water per day.
    I have been weightlifting on and off most of my life but in the past 3 years I have been much more dedicated and in the past year I have been very consistant with 3-5 day a week workouts with MMA training on my off days.

    I went from 205lbs with a 36inch waist and lots of fat to 165lbs and 30inch waist in a year with diet. I spent most of my life eating garbage. That was a little over year and a half ago.

    I hope this helps

  9. #9
    DaddyJax is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    ^^ Here you go:

    Why Test for a First Cycle:

    these will help out. They're pretty basic, but will give you a good grasp on the different test - esters and why you would choose a particular one.

    good luck with the training.
    After reading through all of that I am under the impression that the total cycle including PCT is for 12 months? How often are the doses for PCT? It did not specify unless I missed it. Would taking the Arimidex during the cycle hurt? I would think it would help.

  10. #10
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyJax View Post
    After reading through all of that I am under the impression that the total cycle including PCT is for 12 months? How often are the doses for PCT? It did not specify unless I missed it. Would taking the Arimidex during the cycle hurt? I would think it would help.
    If this is your first ever cycle run this:

    Weeks 1-12 Test E or C at 500mg/wk (250mg every 3.5 days)

    Have nolva on hand in case you get any unwanted sides (if you are gyno prone that take arimidex during cycle)

    PCT (2 weeks after last injection): Nolva 40/20/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/50 is what I do (some people recommend higher than needed doses, so its up to you to decide what dosage you want)

  11. #11
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    agreed with immortal soldier. and as i have been told on here strengthen your diet before u start the sysle and keep it going strong throughtout and after to maintain your gains. you' re guna love the gains u get off your first cycle as long as u run it right. up your calorie intake, protein and carbs. keep your cardio in check if u want to burn fat as well. dont worry about sides and aggression unless u are sensitive to test, inconsistant w/ your shots etc. unless u are already an asshole u become aggressive, thats all in your head.

    good luck man

  12. #12
    drummerofgod87's Avatar
    drummerofgod87 is offline Associate Member
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    In the gym, getting big.
    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyJax View Post
    2500-3000cal per day with 150-160g protien and little carbs, clean diet mainly Egg whites, protien shakes and oatmeal with some PB Sands on whole wheat and a gal+ of water per day.
    I have been weightlifting on and off most of my life but in the past 3 years I have been much more dedicated and in the past year I have been very consistant with 3-5 day a week workouts with MMA training on my off days.

    I went from 205lbs with a 36inch waist and lots of fat to 165lbs and 30inch waist in a year with diet. I spent most of my life eating garbage. That was a little over year and a half ago.

    I hope this helps
    Add 1k calories to the diet at least, and double (and I mean that literally, double) the protein intake before you decide to use steroids .

  13. #13
    DaddyJax is offline New Member
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    I will increase my protein but until I get my six pack back I am going to continue to maintain my cal intake or even drop 500 for the next few months. I want to lean out before I do anything AAS. I dont want to have to go on a cut to see my results and lose what I just worked to get. I am doing alot of research first and not rushing into anything.

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