first thank you all the staff for making this forum and the web site is the best i have seen
i want to start cycling Edited
i want to start the beginer sycle( test,deca,D-bol and nolvadex)
can i replace d-bol for winstrol? if not tell me wich one please
and what about polysteron, can i replace testosterone cypionate for polysteron?
and another question is
i found the testoviron 100mg and deca durabolin 50m
shouldi buy 4 deca to get the 200mg and should i inject the four bottles of deca 50mg in at once go, or can i inject one bottle daily?
same question for test
for example put the four deca 50mg in one syringe only in injected
or i have to inject four time once for each deca 50mg????
and the last question if i get winstrol how would the cycle be?
for how many weeks or days? and if i have to inject it daily or weekly
well thank you for your help
thats all what i want to know please send me a personal mesage aswell
and sorry for the hortography and misspelings but im in a hurry
cyu all