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  1. #1
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    Got Blood Work Back, Need Advise

    I just got Blood Work done. I got two things of BW, and I need your help.

    I got this BW done while I was doing PCT,
    PCT was, wk1-4 Nolva 20mg EDwk, wk1-6 25mg ed Aromasin
    This was my BW after a few weeks in.
    Testosterone , Serum 217 ng/dL (241-827) are the normal ranges
    Free Testosterone(Direct) 6.5 pg/mL (9.3-26.5) are the normal ranges

    Just got blood work back today. and this is as follows. Still on a little aromasin.
    Testosterone, Serum 233 ng/dL 241-827, so im better but not by much, almost in the normal range.
    Free Testosterone(Direct) 13.6 pg/mL 9.3-26.5, and this im guessing is good im in the normal and this almost doubled.

    I was wondering since it seems the nolva did not do a great deal for the test. serum. I was thinking of going on Clomid for 4 weeks at 50mg ED. Its been a while since ive usd clomid but im guessing/hoping i will get more test in the normal range with it. What do you think, I should do?

  2. #2
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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  4. #4
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    well your not gonna be fully recovered after pct anyway..pct just gets you on the road to recovery which you seem to be.

  5. #5
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    I know that if you dont get test levels up fast enough you can lose size and strength until test is at an acceptable level. thats why i wanted to know if I should continue, jsut want to make sure im not still losing muscle slowly

  6. #6
    Coop77's Avatar
    Coop77 is offline Senior Member
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    Your body needs to detect low test for a long time to start producing its own again. PCT or no PCT, it's going to take time. You're going to lose some muscle after a cycle no matter what you do. That's just part of the game.

  7. #7
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    yea, I understand that. BUt am I ok where Im at. Or do I need to do more PCT?

  8. #8
    Coop77's Avatar
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    I'd just give it a few months and it'll come back. If your balls are shrunken, some hcg will help. I think the usefulness of AIs and SERMs for restoring test is overstated. Just my opinion, from my own experiences and blood work.

  9. #9
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reddragon4954 View Post
    yea, I understand that. BUt am I ok where Im at. Or do I need to do more PCT?
    Try to have more sex, I know it sounds stupid but it will stimulate your nuts like no other.

  10. #10
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reddragon4954 View Post
    I just got Blood Work done. I got two things of BW, and I need your help.

    I got this BW done while I was doing PCT,
    PCT was, wk1-4 Nolva 20mg EDwk, wk1-6 25mg ed Aromasin
    This was my BW after a few weeks in.
    Testosterone , Serum 217 ng/dL (241-827) are the normal ranges
    Free Testosterone(Direct) 6.5 pg/mL (9.3-26.5) are the normal ranges

    Just got blood work back today. and this is as follows. Still on a little aromasin.
    Testosterone, Serum 233 ng/dL 241-827, so im better but not by much, almost in the normal range.
    Free Testosterone(Direct) 13.6 pg/mL 9.3-26.5, and this im guessing is good im in the normal and this almost doubled.

    I was wondering since it seems the nolva did not do a great deal for the test. serum. I was thinking of going on Clomid for 4 weeks at 50mg ED. Its been a while since ive usd clomid but im guessing/hoping i will get more test in the normal range with it. What do you think, I should do?
    any of those numbers showing what you putitary glad putting out? that is what you need to see, that will be part of what will get your natural test back to its normal production... from what i have gathered you would want to be above 400 - and would really like to be at 550 ish - all depending on your age (i am 37) and i am as of last blood test around the 230 range for over all testosterone, and my putitary gland is suposta be 1.35 units or more and i am at like .65 so i am rubbing a some androgel to sup the testosterone in my system to around 500 ish...

  11. #11
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    any of those numbers showing what you putitary glad putting out? that is what you need to see, that will be part of what will get your natural test back to its normal production... from what i have gathered you would want to be above 400 - and would really like to be at 550 ish - all depending on your age (i am 37) and i am as of last blood test around the 230 range for over all testosterone, and my putitary gland is suposta be 1.35 units or more and i am at like .65 so i am rubbing a some androgel to sup the testosterone in my system to around 500 ish...
    What are you saying?

    The pituitary gland does not produce testosterone , It produced LH and FSH that stimulate T production in the testis in a synergistic manner.

  12. #12
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    correct me if i am wrong however the pituitary gland releases hormones that tell the body how to regulate the body natural test production... they all work togather... so if you know that you not producing the test you want or feel you should you need to look at the whole endo system - and the pituitary gland is a big part of that.

    that is why i said "that will be part of what will get your natural test back to its normal production" key word being "part"

    again correct me if i am wrong - however he is stating his test level is below low normal... so if the body is not producing test naturally what could be causing it? (yes he just came off a cycle but...) #1 - the pituitary gland is not doing its job/part of regulating the flow of hormones #2 - um well their it is ? you have to look some where and from the test #s he showed i dont see a # from his pituitary gland hormones...

    so, with all the crap i have been though i believe (and i am not a endo doc- but i have stayed at a holiday inn!!!) that would be telling (to see those #s)

    this is it job - "The pituitary gland secretes hormones regulating homeostasis" of the endo system.

    and i didnt get the exact interaction so google this but, clomid i believe stimulates the pituitary - like i said google that or i am sure some one can give you the exact treatment after you get that info
    Last edited by amcon; 01-22-2009 at 12:01 AM.

  13. #13
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post

    and i didnt get the exact interaction so google this but, clomid i believe stimulates the pituitary - like i said google that or i am sure some one can give you the exact treatment after you get that info
    Ya, clomid is supposed to stimulate lh and fsh production.

  14. #14
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    it is like a charging system of a car - battery, alternator, starter - if your car wont start cause of no juice(electricty) and you go and check you battery, find it is not charged - what do you do? if you replace the battery and then find out you alternator was working slow or not at all, or you starter (cylinoid) was not working correctly ... then you wasted time and money - and most improtantly you fixed the wrong thing. the point is get a good look at the whole pic... have all three checked and a few other things while your at it after it is your engine...

    just got to look at the right stuff:

    pituitary gland out put
    free test
    bound test


    (im not a doc you should def go see a endo doc and as him the same thing, i did and then took every thing he said and spent day researching what he said(as i rub that androgel gunk on my chest and shoulders))

    good luck

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