I enjoy using the same cycle twice in a row or compunds, so that I may continue to learn about compounds, however, this cycle I would like to do the same one, but at the same time, I want to take something in addition for a kick start..
Now, I've mentioned thoussands of times to all the bros how I suffer from anxiet as many do.
My last cycle was Deca 550 a week and test e 500 a week,
for 14 weeks.
I would like to do the same one, however I would like to add something to get the ball rolling,
My main concern is taking a compound that makes my heart race, night sweats or any of the other kind of stuff, THAT'S MY OVERALL ANXIETY IN LIFE.
so, with that said, all my other cycles never did any of that, I got much help from fellow member BIG. he basically guided me threw my anxiety and matching the correct compound for me.
My previouse cycles were
1 cycle. Test E 500 a week for 12 weeks
2 cycle, Test E 750 a week for 16 weeks
3 cycle was Test E 500 and Deca 550 a week for 14 weeks
Now, I would like to continue with the test at 500 a week and deca at 550 a week, but I want to know something I can add in.