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Thread: Need Cycle Help!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Need Cycle Help!!!!

    hey guys,
    well im finishing up my first deca/test cycle and i have made some pretty good gains, gained about 20 lb. a little bloating, but nothing a little halo couldent take care of. now today is my last shot of deca, and everything i have read is clomid 3 weeks after the last shot...but my friend who is very experienced in cycles told me to start clomid 6 days after my last shot, so i was going to take 100mg of clomid on tuesday along with some nov/ one a day for about 2 1 pro/ 1 novidex/ 100mg of clomid..and run the clomid for 3 weeks....but i dont want to screw this up, i dont want to wait too long to take my clomid but i dont want to take it too early...i have been reading on the board and some people are talking about deperession, and lost sex drive, i dont want that shit to happen!!!! i guess im getting conflicting info, and just need some help!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Under a bar looking at boobies...
    The ester life of deca is 7 days, so your friend is right that 6 days after last shot is a good idea. I am assuming that teh test is ending the same time as the deca? If so, than I would start the clomid as your friend suggested and then wait another week before 14 days of nolv/proviron.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    then y is everything on this board 3 weeks after last shot of deca?
    so i should do clomid only 6 days after? then a week after that start nolv/proviron? or run everything nolv/pro/clomid 6 days after?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Your friend is wrong bro. Don't start clomid till 3 weeks after your last injection of deca/test. And run it for 4 weeks preferably...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    ok if i did that which i probably will, when should i take my nolv/proviron? i have enough for 2 weeks worth of each product. because i need to stimulate my htpa, asap, i dont want my sex drive to drop, and i dont want to go into deperession,

  6. #6
    the half-life of deca isn;t 7 days. It is 10 or 12. And a half life is just that, a HALF life. After 10 days you'd still have 100 mg deca if your first shot was 200 mg. And after another 10 days about 50 mg. That's when you shoudl probably start clomid./ Anything earlier is probably useless

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    ok, so ill start in 3 weeks, nolv/proviron/clomid till i run out of nolv/pro and ill continue clomid for 4 that correct?

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