hey guys,
well im finishing up my first deca/test cycle and i have made some pretty good gains, gained about 20 lb. a little bloating, but nothing a little halo couldent take care of. now today is my last shot of deca, and everything i have read is clomid 3 weeks after the last shot...but my friend who is very experienced in cycles told me to start clomid 6 days after my last shot, so i was going to take 100mg of clomid on tuesday along with some nov/proviron...at one a day for about 2 weeks...so 1 pro/ 1 novidex/ 100mg of clomid..and run the clomid for 3 weeks....but i dont want to screw this up, i dont want to wait too long to take my clomid but i dont want to take it too early...i have been reading on the board and some people are talking about deperession, and lost sex drive, i dont want that shit to happen!!!! i guess im getting conflicting info, and just need some help!!!!