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  1. #1
    fight_prof's Avatar
    fight_prof is offline Junior Member
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    How long can Deca mess you up?

    Hi guys,

    I made a thread like this a couple years back.

    Way back in early 2005, I was stupid and did a cycle of deca , about 6 weeks, and abruptly ended it with no PCT. Yes, stupid I know.

    I went through some bad phases of deca-dick that year, and generally didn't feel good.

    Fast forward to now. I am healthy all round, but my libido and sexual performance is still a bit lower than I'd think it should be. I recently turned 29, but am in good shape. I have an attractive wife who has a high libido, and many times she is much more interested than I am. Also, I am not as aggressive in general as I used to be.

    Is it possible this could still be an effect from Deca? Testosterone levels are "within normal range" for me, but they were on the lower side of normal last I had them checked which was about a year ago.

    I do lots of cardio and skill training for fighting, but not very much heavy lifting, which I will change soon to see if it helps.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. Is it too late to run something like Nolva?

    If it is wise to go the drug route, dosages and tips are welcome.



  2. #2
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    HRT or viagra/cialis.

  3. #3
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    You could run HCG and see how that treats you, it keeps the testicles functioning and increases sperm count.

    Or you could get viagra or cialis...

    First I would get your levels checked out again since a year can make a big difference...then if they are still not where they should be, come back.

    IMO if your levels are in the normal range you shouldn't have a problem in bed. Some of it believe it or not is in your head, the more you worry about your sexual function the more stress you place and inadvertently hinder your sex life.

  4. #4
    fight_prof's Avatar
    fight_prof is offline Junior Member
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    Hey guys...

    Sorry I should have been more clear. I don't have erectile dysfunction, thankfully, it's more that I am not the one usually initiating sex, like my interest isn't as strong as it used to be.

    Thanks for the suggestions though, I will probably get my levels checked again.

  5. #5
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    here bro, take advice from another fighter. The harder and longer i train THE LESS I AM INTERESTED IN SEX. For some reason id get done with 3 hours training with the team and come home and my gf would be feeling frisky and i had NO interest in it at all. Ive read that high amounts of cardiovascular exercise can raise estrogen levels in the body and supress testosterone . I have NO PROOF of this however in written form. Ill say that again for the hell of it...I HAVE NO PROOF OF THAT STATEMENTS LEGITIMACY. But I can tell you from personal experience that training hard MMA for hours on end EVERY night destroyed my sex drive. honestly...prepping for a fight...i didnt care one single bit about sex. I just simply had no drive for it. no desire for it. This may be the case for you aswell. Is it possible to cut down on practice for a few weeks? go to 2-3 days training for 4 weeks and see what happens? Might be worth a try. if you have a fight coming up then that obviously isnt an option. But if you are between fights id recommend giving it a try.

  6. #6
    SilverTest's Avatar
    SilverTest is offline Senior Member
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    Do complete hormonal profile check with blood work : total test , free test , estrogen , lh , fsh, thyroid , prolactin.

    post it here . if its low

    you should do another STRONG pct which includes clomid + HCG .

    if it does not work and your levels are low =================> TRT is the way to go.

    deca messed me up 6 month, it was the first and last time i use 19 nor's.
    Last edited by SilverTest; 01-24-2009 at 12:38 PM.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your Test levels are within the normal range for a person of your age, i can't see it being from the deca only cycle over 12 months ago,you might be better off getting them check again though, also you may have things on your mind or not enough sleep which could be effecting this area!!

  8. #8
    fight_prof's Avatar
    fight_prof is offline Junior Member
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    MMArmour.... I know exactly what you're talking about. But even when I scale my training down a lot, yes I am hornier, but I'm not like how some guys talk that they would have sex everyday if their woman wanted. Maybe they are just lying. But I definitely agree with you about the cardio training.

    Thanks again guys, I will get my levels checked sometime soon hopefully, and go from there.

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