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Thread: first time

  1. #1
    wrestling is offline New Member
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    first time

    Hi im 22 years old i been working out about a year for the last 6 months i been on a strick diet I am a wrestler so i know how to diet and workout hard but for the last 3 months i been stuck on get ripped and i cant gain any mass i do cardio for about 45 mins a day.. i think its about time for me to do my first cycle of steroids I got a cycle of d-bol off my brother would that do the trick to get get more cut and to add mass? or what do should i take i dont care if its oral or needle

  2. #2
    Pittsteel321's Avatar
    Pittsteel321 is offline Junior Member
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    test is a good first cycle.
    they say dbol only isnt a good cycle.

    you could do test and dbol and get good mass and with your strict diet you shouldt get any BF but it sounds like you should do more research first bro

  3. #3
    wrestling is offline New Member
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    I fogot to say that im about 5'10 180 and about 15% BF still im at that point where i know i can lose it but its going to be about a pound every 2 weeks u know

  4. #4
    wrestling is offline New Member
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    im not really looking to do test im looking for more of its time to get cut im in college and spring break is about 3 months away so i want to get my beach bod back

  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    why does this sound so familiar?

    Looking to get CUT Fast

  6. #6
    wrestling is offline New Member
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    Ha! idk maybe because the its the average size weight and BF of 19-23 year olds and all college kids have the spring break but buy reading that he didnt get no help but from one guy and he really dont know what hes doing

  7. #7
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    180, %15 body's your diet.

    you dont need any drugs. head on over to the diet section - trust me, you have a LOT of room to improve naturally before the need of drugs...

  8. #8
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    its one thing to SAY you are eating good. but that all depends on if you know what eating good really means. i think the meaning of eating clean is the same for everyone. but are you eating enough?? how many calories are you taking, on a daily basis?? putting on mass, is 80% diet. and it takes awhile, to train your body, to eat enough.

  9. #9
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Never did a cycle yet bro! But most of the answers will be test enanthate .
    Test must be the base of your cycle. IMO!
    I've been doing my homework! LOL!

  10. #10
    wrestling is offline New Member
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    its not my diet i got my diet form a bodybuilder who was mr american at one point in his career!
    I for breakfast i have egg beaters fresh fruit (most days) and oatmeal
    Between a protion shake
    Lunch i have 8 oz chicken breast with green beans/ corn and a bake potato
    then i have another shake
    dinner i have a half of steak or chicken breast with a big bake potato and some veg
    then if i dont go to be early i have another shake
    and if i get hungry in between everything i snack on a small hand full of peanuts

  11. #11
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Water mellon handshake

  12. #12
    TTexas's Avatar
    TTexas is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Water mellon handshake
    ^^ This

  13. #13
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Oh yes another case of water mellon handshake

  14. #14
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrestling View Post
    its not my diet i got my diet form a bodybuilder who was mr american at one point in his career!
    I for breakfast i have egg beaters fresh fruit (most days) and oatmeal
    Between a protion shake
    Lunch i have 8 oz chicken breast with green beans/ corn and a bake potato
    then i have another shake
    dinner i have a half of steak or chicken breast with a big bake potato and some veg
    then if i dont go to be early i have another shake
    and if i get hungry in between everything i snack on a small hand full of peanuts

    well theres your problem. eat more. that diet might be good for ripping up. personally, i ate a diet similar to that, when i needed to cut weight for my last fight. but for putting on mass, you need more calories. i would add at least one more meat/rice/potato meal in there.

  15. #15
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Someguy123 View Post
    well theres your problem. eat more. that diet might be good for ripping up. personally, i ate a diet similar to that, when i needed to cut weight for my last fight. but for putting on mass, you need more calories. i would add at least one more meat/rice/potato meal in there.
    You cant really say that because he did not mention portion size on many of the foods listed.

  16. #16
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrestling View Post
    its not my diet i got my diet form a bodybuilder who was mr american at one point in his career!
    I for breakfast i have egg beaters fresh fruit (most days) and oatmeal
    Between a protion shake
    Lunch i have 8 oz chicken breast with green beans/ corn and a bake potato
    then i have another shake
    dinner i have a half of steak or chicken breast with a big bake potato and some veg
    then if i dont go to be early i have another shake
    and if i get hungry in between everything i snack on a small hand full of peanuts
    In all seriousness, how come you dont ask Mr America about your cycle questions as well?

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