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  1. #1
    matt9 is offline Junior Member
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    thinking about first cycle

    I've been lifting on and off for 3 or 4 years and this past fall have gotten really serious.. I'm doing my first bodybuilding show in may so i am in the process of starting my diet. I'm not very big but I'm going to get this first show under my belt. After the show I'll be looking to hit the gym even harder to get ready for another show in the future and have used numerous prohormones and they do work but I'm ready to take it a step further.
    Any input on a first cycle to put on about 10 to 15 lbs in a cycle? I wouldnt be doing it until late summer or fall. Also what all needed for pct?


    23 y/o
    5' 11"
    200 lbs (at the moment but trying to get to around 170 for the show)
    14-15 % BF

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Test e/c 500mg each week. Get your diet on track now, cardio will also play an important roll..
    Last edited by Matt; 01-24-2009 at 02:08 PM.

  3. #3
    matt9 is offline Junior Member
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    250 mg 2x per week right? 10 weeks or 12 weeks? and would it be ok to kick the cycle off maybe with some dbol or wait til 2nd cycle? Also.. what kind of gains should I expect with this cycle.. strength and size wise?
    and since its not a heavy cycle what would be needed for pct and what amounts?

  4. #4
    matt9 is offline Junior Member
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  5. #5
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    Why not stay 200lbs. and get BF down under 6% for the show?

    Very good clean diet
    prop 100-150mg. ed

  6. #6
    skinnykenney's Avatar
    skinnykenney is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Test e/c 500mg each week. Get your diet on track now, cardio will also play an important roll..
    good advice! Always start with one compound so you know how each works for you!

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    what kind of show is it? Tested or untested. If tested you will need to make sure your timetable to come off is correct

  8. #8
    matt9 is offline Junior Member
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    the show is not tested and its just a local show. I was saying that after the show I wanted to do a cycle.. not while getting ready for the show. I'd like to do a cycle while dieting for the show but I dont have a source yet.. I guess I'd do either winni or prop if I find some in time. Being my first show I know I may be lacking in some points where vets will have my ass but if I can come in really lean and hard I might be able to place in the top 3. But otherwise... what kind of gains am i looking for with a 10-12 week cycle of test e or test c as far as weight gain and strength? I mean I've done prohormone cycles and gained 10-15 lbs in 35 days and gone up 30 to 50 lbs on all core excercises so I'd just like to know how much better the gains would be from test.


  9. #9
    matt9 is offline Junior Member
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    oh and another thing not steroid related... if im at 14-15% bf right now and 200 lbs... what would anyone expect me to be able to get down to by show time at the end of may by starting my diet next week? Two weeks ago, I was at 208 and have gotten down to 200 right now just by eating 6 clean meals a day and 20-30 mins of cardio a day. Daily protein is around 230-275 grams. I was thinking 170lbs at maybe 6% BF. Am I off?

  10. #10
    matt9 is offline Junior Member
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  11. #11
    matt9 is offline Junior Member
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    does anyone have any experiences with test e cycles that they could share as far as strength gains and weight gains?

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