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  1. #1
    MTpowerhouse is offline New Member
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    Brand New To Steroids-Please Help!!

    I know that I should do the research and try to find out for myself with all the info on this site, but I have tried for a while and I am just getting frustrated. Too much to weed through, or I am just anxious. I have never used steroids but after all the research I have done on steroids, I really think they are safe is used correctly. I am 5 10 and about 190, and I lift already. I have a good diet, and just want to see what the right steroids can do for me. I am on a budget, so that needs to be taken into consideration and I want something in a pill, rather than have to inject something. I have looked at HGH, winny, and others and want to know what would be the best to start on, and how long should I cycle.

    Also, if I can take only one, which one should I take. And, if I could take 2, so on and so on. I really look forward to learning more on this site and from the other members and will post some before and after pics once I get started. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Welcome bro...sounds like you can do more reading bro...or hang around here and learn...If you had to do 1 compound it should be Test Enanthate or Test Cipionate..500mgs a week for 10 weeks...that would be a good basic start...quite honestly take your time bro..

  3. #3
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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  4. #4
    exodito is offline Junior Member
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    ^^^Agreed, orals will give u a temporary pump but u wont keep any of your gains.

  5. #5
    MTpowerhouse is offline New Member
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    Is that true? Are the oral steroids really that much less effective than the injectable? I guess I could inject them, just does not look like fun. I want to keep my gains though, that is the whole point, right! Any more advice would be greatly appreciated.

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exodito View Post
    ^^^Agreed, orals will give u a temporary pump but u wont keep any of your gains.
    that's a pretty broad generalization, I don't necessarily agree.

  7. #7
    Mylo333's Avatar
    Mylo333 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MTpowerhouse View Post
    Is that true? Are the oral steroids really that much less effective than the injectable? I guess I could inject them, just does not look like fun. I want to keep my gains though, that is the whole point, right! Any more advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Bro do some research, it goes behond just injecting, you got to know the good the bad and the ugly as well, for injectable steroids a good place to start is Test Enanthate but dont forget about your PCT, have a look at Kale's link, very informative and has just about all the info you need. All the best bro, dont rush into anything, always make sure you know what you doing...

  8. #8
    bloodlines's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MTpowerhouse View Post
    Is that true? Are the oral steroids really that much less effective than the injectable? I guess I could inject them, just does not look like fun. I want to keep my gains though, that is the whole point, right! Any more advice would be greatly appreciated.
    No One can keep even 90 % of the gains
    but a good HCG therapy guarantee a good and fast test restoration

    Read First
    i highly prefer you to buy Anabolic steroids book from the site
    or do some research deserve it

  9. #9
    Bossman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MTpowerhouse View Post
    I know that I should do the research and try to find out for myself with all the info on this site, but I have tried for a while and I am just getting frustrated. Too much to weed through, or I am just anxious. I have never used steroids but after all the research I have done on steroids, I really think they are safe is used correctly. I am 5 10 and about 190, and I lift already. I have a good diet, and just want to see what the right steroids can do for me. I am on a budget, so that needs to be taken into consideration and I want something in a pill, rather than have to inject something. I have looked at HGH, winny, and others and want to know what would be the best to start on, and how long should I cycle.

    Also, if I can take only one, which one should I take. And, if I could take 2, so on and so on. I really look forward to learning more on this site and from the other members and will post some before and after pics once I get started. Thanks in advance!

    How old are you bro? And, how long have you been lifting?

    If you're in hurry and on a budget, you should postpone AAS use. You want to be damn sure you know what you're doing and have the finances to support a productive cycle. There are the cost of the actual AAS, cost of ancillaries and PCT as well as the increased clean food and supplements necessary.

  10. #10
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by exodito View Post
    ^^^Agreed, orals will give u a temporary pump but u wont keep any of your gains.
    And you know this how ?

  11. #11
    MTpowerhouse is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the advice. I am 30 years old and having been lifting since I was a sophomore in highschool. I already spend money on supplements, but just dont have the dough to spend 300 a month some juice. After watching bigger faster stronger and a bunch of other documetaries, my whole perception of steroids changed. I now know that they are not going to kill you, and if it can help me be my best, then I at least want to try it and see if its something I want to stick with. I guess that is where I am at. I want to give it a whole hearted go and see what kind of results I see, and if I love it, then I will probably keep on going with it.
    Anybody have just a vague figure on what I would need to spend a month to give my first cycle a good effort. Thanks for all the answers so far! I am glad I found this site.

  12. #12
    MTpowerhouse is offline New Member
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    Sorry for the spelling, I posted without checking what I wrote first, oops

  13. #13
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    simple test e or c cycle for 10 to 12 weeks is pretty cheap. Prb around what you stated above with pct

  14. #14
    MTpowerhouse is offline New Member
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    Thanks, I will start looking into that. I cant wait for summer to come. I live in Montana and its freezing right now. I love it when the weather starts warming up and we can show off all our hard work.

  15. #15
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MTpowerhouse View Post
    Thanks, I will start looking into that. I cant wait for summer to come. I live in Montana and its freezing right now. I love it when the weather starts warming up and we can show off all our hard work.
    come to houston,, its flippin hot all the time.

  16. #16
    MTpowerhouse is offline New Member
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  17. #17
    sustaman is offline New Member
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    first... the comment about orals only giving you a temporary pump and no real gains is well, silly... i will say if ur trying to gain large quantities of quality muscle injecting test is the way to go.. ive done 3 test cycles and have gained about 20lbs on each of them... i am currently starting an Oral Turanabol only cycle tho because i want to chill on poking myself with a needle twice a week... i would direct you away from a dbol only cycle becasue although you will gain alot of strenght and size alot of the weight u'll put on will be water and u wont keep much of what u put on once ur off... winstrol is pri the really screws with ur colesterol and joints.. anavar and turanabol are my two orals of choice... both produce quality gains of good lean muscle and u will keep almost all of it as long as u continue training and use a little pct... var is much more $ tho, which is why i choose to use Turanabol instead... pretty much the same results too.. sorry i wrote a book but if it helps than its all good.... im going to be posting my progress on my OT only cycle ... just started yesterday.. heres my breakdown...

    Week 1- 40mg ed
    Week 2- 50mg ed
    Week 3- 50mg ed
    Week 4- 50mg ed
    Week 5- 50mg ed
    Week 6- 50mg ed
    Week 7- 50mg ed
    Week 8- 50mg ed
    Week 9- 50mg Clomid ed
    Week 10 50mg Clomid ed
    Week 11 50mg Clomid ed

  18. #18
    ray0414's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sustaman View Post
    first... the comment about orals only giving you a temporary pump and no real gains is well, silly... i will say if ur trying to gain large quantities of quality muscle injecting test is the way to go.. ive done 3 test cycles and have gained about 20lbs on each of them... i am currently starting an Oral Turanabol only cycle tho because i want to chill on poking myself with a needle twice a week... i would direct you away from a dbol only cycle becasue although you will gain alot of strenght and size alot of the weight u'll put on will be water and u wont keep much of what u put on once ur off... winstrol is pri the really screws with ur colesterol and joints.. anavar and turanabol are my two orals of choice... both produce quality gains of good lean muscle and u will keep almost all of it as long as u continue training and use a little pct... var is much more $ tho, which is why i choose to use Turanabol instead... pretty much the same results too.. sorry i wrote a book but if it helps than its all good.... im going to be posting my progress on my OT only cycle ... just started yesterday.. heres my breakdown...

    Week 1- 40mg ed
    Week 2- 50mg ed
    Week 3- 50mg ed
    Week 4- 50mg ed
    Week 5- 50mg ed
    Week 6- 50mg ed
    Week 7- 50mg ed
    Week 8- 50mg ed
    Week 9- 50mg Clomid ed
    Week 10 50mg Clomid ed
    Week 11 50mg Clomid ed
    i thought the general PCT of OT was nolva?

  19. #19
    ray0414's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exodito View Post
    ^^^Agreed, orals will give u a temporary pump but u wont keep any of your gains.
    this is not true. many memebers on this forum have done var and tbol only cycles and kept plenty. u can get up to 10 solid pounds and keep it if done correctly.

  20. #20
    sustaman is offline New Member
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    u can use either... i have personaly had better success with clomid... remember everyones body reacts different to different compounds

  21. #21
    MTpowerhouse is offline New Member
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    Thanks sustaman and everyone else. Its good to know that you can use orals with good sucess too. I look forward to hearing how your new cycle goes. I will look into that Turanabol too, sounds like it might be a good option. Thanks

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