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  1. #1
    garythompson's Avatar
    garythompson is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2009

    Arrow not a newb but its been a while...

    I just want to know what an easy to use stack is. steroids that are common to find and can be taken orally. I dont want another bad experience with infections at the injection site due to underground gear. I know there are advantages to injecting but it's not something i want to risk again.

    anyway, I have taken juice before. and was up to about a gram a week on 3 differnt kinds combined. enanthate , prop, and deca . I dont even know if all those are available in tabs but I had good experiences with the enanthate. Ive been working out for many years. I'm about 170lbs and 25 years old. What kind of cycle would you guys recommend?

  2. #2
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by garythompson View Post
    I just want to know what an easy to use stack is. steroids that are common to find and can be taken orally. I dont want another bad experience with infections at the injection site due to underground gear. I know there are advantages to injecting but it's not something i want to risk again.

    anyway, I have taken juice before. and was up to about a gram a week on 3 differnt kinds combined. enanthate, prop, and deca. I dont even know if all those are available in tabs but I had good experiences with the enanthate . Ive been working out for many years. I'm about 170lbs and 25 years old. What kind of cycle would you guys recommend?

    Why would run Test-e and prop along side one another?

    You do realize they are exactly the same thing except they are different esters? (Test Prop shorter halflife = ED injections Test E longer halflife = Two times a week injections)

    What are your full stats?

    IMO if you got an infection from injections, I highly doubt it was the Underground gears fault (Im assuming your talking about UGL), it most likely was you not using sanitary protocol. Furthermore, oral only cycles aren't really recommended.

  3. #3
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    How tall are you and what is your BF%?

  4. #4
    garythompson's Avatar
    garythompson is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2009
    6ft i don't know my bf%.

    I would just rather stick with an oral cycle only.

  5. #5
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    show us some pics please

  6. #6
    garythompson's Avatar
    garythompson is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2009
    I don't have any pictures and i don't really know why you would want them...

    If I was to use 1 kind of steroids to inject and use the rest in oral form, what would be a good cycle to bulk some and was more for gaining more definition?

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