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  1. #1
    tryingtogain is offline Member
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    May 2002

    steriods that dont convert to estrogen that wont stunt growth? im just researching

    i heard its the estrogen that causes the growth plates to close. is that true. so if you take a steriods that has a low estrogen conversion or better yet wont convert to estrogen at all stunt growth? progestrone stunt growth? im just wondering what is it in the juice that closes the growth plates.

  2. #2
    tryingtogain is offline Member
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    help plz

  3. #3
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    Estrogen speeds up epiphysial closure (sp?) of the growth plates, doesn't mean that non-aromatising steroids aren't going to have an effect on your growth though. Wait until you are like 21-22 is my advice, you could still have a growth spurt at age 18-19 or even 20 something. It varies by person.

  4. #4
    tryingtogain is offline Member
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    i dont get it if non amromotizing doesnt turn into estogen how can it stunt growth i just i have some learning to do

  5. #5
    seniormateus's Avatar
    seniormateus is offline Associate Member
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    I played ball with a guy in high school who juiced in 8th fucking grade and in 8th grade he was kinda short and brutally massive. In 12th grade we all passed him by and he stood the same as 8th grade at about 5'2'' and those are my $.02

  6. #6
    tryingtogain is offline Member
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    what about the non aromotizing ones i thought it was just the estogen that closed the growth plates?

  7. #7
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    Trying, the non-aromatizing roids still shut down the HPTA. When that happens your estrogen/testosterone ratio changes. The estrogen predominates and you can close your growth plates.

  8. #8
    dizzle's Avatar
    dizzle is offline Respected Member
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    I heard anavar has little effect on stunting your growth, but if you're really concerned about growing taller, than I would wait it out a few more years.

  9. #9
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    Here is an abstract on Anavar and final height. Note the early onset of growth arrest. This was on low dose anavar, not the amounts bodybuilders use. I had heard high dose anavar closes the growth plates in 40% of the kids they used it on. I'll try to find that study.

    J Endocrinol Invest 1993 Feb;16(2):133-7 Related Articles, Links

    Oxandrolone in constitutional delay of growth: analysis of the growth patterns up to final stature.

    Bassi F, Neri AS, Gheri RG, Cheli D, Serio M.

    Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Clinica, Universita di Firenze, Italy.

    In order to evaluate the effects of low-dosage, 6-12 months course of oxandrolone treatment in constitutional delay of growth, we compared the growth responses on treatment, the pattern of sexual development and pubertal growth events, up to final stature of 11 prepubertal boys, aged 10.6-14.1 yr, with those of 11 prepubertal, age-matched untreated controls. Treatment caused a significant increase of height velocity, from 4 to 9 cm/yr, and a significant acceleration of bone maturation, without affecting the timing of onset of puberty, the progression of sexual development or the onset of pubertal growth spurt. On the other hand, oxandrolone induced an earlier skeletal growth arrest but did not affect the expected final height. Treated boys showed an adult stature not significantly different from that of control subjects. Our data suggest that 6 months-1 year, low dosage oxandrolone treatment in constitutionally delayed growth has no significant effect on the pattern of pubertal growth, nor on the rate of sexual maturation or on final height.

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