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  1. #1
    Devlysh1's Avatar
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    Question Been 7 years since last cycle. Need a refresher and some tips!

    Hey guys. I'm a brand newby to this site. I've been on these forums before, back in the day, but it's been awhile. Well, the reason that I'm posting, is it's been about 6 years since I've done a cycle. I'm about 160 lbs. 5'9". The gear that I ran across is Sten 500 and Deca 300. I haven't used either of these before, so I was looking for some tips, for doses and stuff. Was planning for a 10 weeks, but just hoping I have enough for it. All of my last cycles were done with Test E, and Dbol .
    Can't wait to start hitting it hard again, but waiting for some advice on my extra goodies. Thank you, guys.

  2. #2
    TTexas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devlysh1 View Post
    Hey guys. I'm a brand newby to this site. I've been on these forums before, back in the day, but it's been awhile. Well, the reason that I'm posting, is it's been about 6 years since I've done a cycle. I'm about 160 lbs. 5'9". The gear that I ran across is Sten 500 and Deca 300. I haven't used either of these before, so I was looking for some tips, for doses and stuff. Was planning for a 10 weeks, but just hoping I have enough for it. All of my last cycles were done with Test E, and Dbol .
    Can't wait to start hitting it hard again, but waiting for some advice on my extra goodies. Thank you, guys.
    Im sure that people can help u here.
    Are u still lifting? For how long?
    I dont know a whole lot about Sten. I think that its a test blend, I cant remember which esters though, with cottenseed oil??? Anyway, do u have a plan for pct?

  3. #3
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Get a diet.

  4. #4
    DS21 is offline Member
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    What's your BF%? Being 5'9" and only 160...

  5. #5
    Devlysh1's Avatar
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    TTexas....the sten I have is a blend of E200, Cyp150, Prop50 and DHEA100. The Deca is 300. The only pct that I was gonna use is clom. I've never really had problems with gyno or sides in the past, so I was too concerned about nolv or anything. I was planning on doing 1cc 1xW of each for 10 weeks. Possible taper to 1/2's close to the end and stress it to 12. Just getting some opinions on that around here.

    DSM4life.......I've got a diet. I just haven't been in the gym for about a year. Been really busy. Now I've got the gear and I'm ready to hit it. I will basically eat, as much as I can stand. Mostly high protiens, fruit, veggies, and grains. And add in good ol protien powder, a few times a day. Wasn't gonna use creatine until after the cycle.

    DS21.........I'm usually around 180 ish. Just been slacking....alot. Trying to change that. Hence why I'm here asking questions. But my BF% is around 7-8%.

  6. #6
    DS21 is offline Member
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    If you are usually around 180, then why don't you just get back into the gym and eating right before using your gear? I'm almost certain you will get there without the gear. If it was me, I would give it atleast 3-6 months of gym time/diet before getting on. I also wouldn't taper down at the end, just keep your levels stable and then post cycle. I would also use an AI with your clomid. If you get a chance, check out the pct section.

  7. #7
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    Hey, thanks for the advice. My plan is to get back in the gym steady for at least 3 months before the cycle. I was just trying to get all the info and suggestions that I could on the cycle, and feedback on the gear, before I run the cycle, so I had all my ducks in a row. I know that I've been a slacker with the eating part (my wife's pregnant and eating all the damn food, hahah)but I'm working on gettn back on track. I was just seeing what kinda good advice I could get on here. The last board on I was on about 6 years ago, was very helpful.

    So if you wouldn't taper the cycle, what would you run? I want it to last atleast 10 weeks. I'm shooting for the cycle to start in May.

    p.s. I will check out the threads for recovery. Thankx.

  8. #8
    Devlysh1's Avatar
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    oooookkkkkkkk?? So all I'm gonna get around here is a couple reply's and none of my questions answered??? Confused. Well, nnnnoooowwww, damnit. hahah

  9. #9
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    how much of each do you have..

  10. #10
    Devlysh1's Avatar
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    Mammon............I've got 10ml of each. The test is a blend equalling 400mg per cc. And the Deca is 300mg per cc. I hope. hahah
    Wanted to use as low a dose as possible but still be effective. I can't look like I'm juiced in my line of work, but I do want the edge.

  11. #11
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    guess what you have there is 400 mg test and 300mg deca a week.. probaby get you around 9 weeks..
    but really the sten , to take full advantage of the prop should be injected more frequently.. so imo you dont really have enough to run a proper cycle, dosing and length of cycle are both issues with what you have..

  12. #12
    PT's Avatar
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    i would get a little more test and run 1 ml of each. run the deca for 10 weeks and the test for 12 weeks then start pct 2 weeks after your last test injection
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  13. #13
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    k, now that was more of the answers that I'm looking for on here. Thanks bros.

    Mammon.......Did you look at what was in my Sten discription? I figured that since it had 200mg of test E in it, that would be the more important part of the mix. Test E is actually the only test that I've cycled before, so I really have no experience in the others. And when I ran that it was usually alone. At one cc e5d. I stacked it with dbol before, but never deca . I think I was using about the same too. Just shooting more often. 1/2 cc every three days, I believe. Fck I can't remember, that was like 14 years ago, hahahahah.

  14. #14
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    13 basically you are saying that I just need to get another vial of the sten?? Damnit. That shit's not cheap! hahahah But I guess if that's what I need to do. Not gonna run it for about 8 weeks anyway.

  15. #15
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devlysh1 View Post
    k, now that was more of the answers that I'm looking for on here. Thanks bros.

    Mammon.......Did you look at what was in my Sten discription? I figured that since it had 200mg of test E in it, that would be the more important part of the mix. Test E is actually the only test that I've cycled before, so I really have no experience in the others. And when I ran that it was usually alone. At one cc e5d. I stacked it with dbol before, but never deca. I think I was using about the same too. Just shooting more often. 1/2 cc every three days, I believe. Fck I can't remember, that was like 14 years ago, hahahahah.

    yeah just went back and looked at it.. just dont like the blend.. the 50mg prop is useless.. so its 200mg enanthate and 150mg cyp with the prop and it..
    well hell, guess just run 1ml of each like pt mentioned..
    i might even split it up 1/2 ml each twice a week

  16. #16
    DrSauce99 is offline Associate Member
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    you can inject DHEA? What's the point? Its like a funky ass wanna be sustanon blend... Test Cyp and Test E are very similar 1 day diff in half life, why would they combine those and not TEST-E and Test-Deconate?

    The DHEA is weird since your going to shut down your own test production anyways...

  17. #17
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    DrSauce99.........ya...I don't really have a clue why it is like that. The product is pretty new and I've never seen it before, but I've gotten good feedback on it from a few friends. I guess time will tell.

    Mammom........thanks, I think that the cc a week is the way I'm gonna go. Maybe even a 1/2 twice a week.

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