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  1. #1
    MiaMuscle35 is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Sustanon 250 cycle..HElp

    Whats up its my first cycle and im planning on going with Sustanon 250, Tren enan 250, and Anavar. Im looking for a lean bulking cycle as opposed to a straight bulking/ puffy cycle. Ive been doing alot of reasearch and this wasnt my first choice. I was going to do cyp, eq and dbol first, but thought about edema and aromatize symptoms. My questions are about dosing and frequency with all. Pct wont be too bad ima use clomid and if gyno type side effects start ima use nolvadex , althought Sus, Tren enanthate , and Var arent too bad with edema or gyno. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    sus-500 mg a week (Dont know if i should do 500MG at once or 2x a week Sun & Wed.
    tren e 250- E3D 1cc
    anavar-30mg ED
    8-10 week cycle

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    the advice you got here still applies:
    what you propose should NOT be a first cycle.

  3. #3
    lord henry is offline Scammer&Liar
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    yes agree with big .

    12 weeks of test e at 500mgs ew

    nolva/clomid pct

  4. #4
    MiaMuscle35 is offline New Member
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    Miami, FL
    My big issue is that i dont want to take roids for a long period of time. For example bulking cycle, intermediate cycle then a cutting cycle. My goal is to gain quality muscle and shed some bady fat at the same time.I already have a decent figure. I recently started going back to the gym in oct 08 and i went from 195lb to 230lb with nitric oxdide products(no2, nanox9, natural test boosters(tribulus,arimatest), and lots of food and protein. So i know i can gain quickly i just want to break the 230 barrier. And as for the bf% its not an accurate number. i havent really found out what my real bf is. Im not fat all around i just have a little belly fat. I understand conventional methods say to bulk up with normal test and then shred down but ive been bulking for about four months naturallly now. Give me ur POV why it isnt a good idea. and above all is it a good combination if i where in that stage?

  5. #5
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    first cycle.. you have never ran any of these .. say you are having issues when running all this stuff..which one is causing the problem.. start with test.. see how that run add something else to it..
    tren should not be used if you dont already have a few under your belt

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