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  1. #1
    Adreja is offline Associate Member
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    New 14 week cycle

    Need opinions, suggestions and anything anybody has to say on the following cycle and work out program for this year. This is my 3rd cycle since May 2007 and planning on it being my last one. My goal is to get bigger and cut up plus lose the body fat especially in the stomach area.
    At the moment i am

    97kg up from 83kg in 2007
    Body fat around 20 down from 28 in 2007

    And it goes a little something like this.....

    First supplements

    Dymatize Iso 100% Hydrolyzed whey protein Isolate 4 p/d
    Goliaths instant carbs 4 p/d
    Dymatize xpand nitric oxide reactor Half hour before workout
    Ast micronized gl3 L-glutamine Half hour before and after workout
    Hi-***** flaxseed oil Twice per day


    6 meals per day (meats, rice, pasta potato etc)
    3 grm Protein per kg of weight
    6 grm Carbs per kg of weight

    Now the juice.....

    Weeks 1-4
    Test Enanthate 750 p/w
    Deca 600 p/w
    Anadrol 100 P/w
    Proviron 50 p/d
    Vitamin B6 200 p/d

    Weeks 5-9
    Test Enanthate 750 p/w
    Deca 600 p/w
    D'bol 40 p/d
    Proviron 50 p/d
    Vitamin B6 200 p/d

    Weeks 10-14
    Test Enanthate 750 p/w
    Primobolan 600 p/w
    Winstrol 50 p/d
    Clenbuterol (start at 60mcg and work up to 150)
    Proviron 50 p/d
    Vitamin B6 200 p/d

    Weeks 15-18

    Nolvadex 40 p/d
    Clomid 100 p/d (1st day 300)
    Proviron 50 p/d
    Vitamin B6 200 p/d

    Work out program

    Monday- Pecs and calfs

    Flat bench
    Incline bench
    Reverse incline

    Tuesday- Biceps triceps

    Barbell curls
    Dumbell curls
    Concentration curls
    Close grip bench
    Lying tricep press
    Tricep pulley push down

    Wed- Thighs

    Leg press
    Leg curls

    Thursday- Shoulders

    Presses behind the neck
    Upright row
    Side laterals
    Wide pull ups

    Friday- Back

    Lat pull down to neck
    Barbell bent over wide row
    Barbell bent over close row
    Seated cable row

    Large muscle groups 8 sets (4 sets warm up) then 4 from maximum down
    Small muscle groups 6 sets (3 sets warm up) then 3 from maximum down

    Now English is not my 1st language so apologises for any spelling mistakes or wrong naming for the workouts.

    Things that i am worried about are the usual things such as bitch tits, liver damage, acne, getting way to bloated, water retantion and so on. One thing that really gave me the shits was the headaches and acne from Anadrol during the last cycle. Any advice on best ways to combat side effects much appreciated (especially the acne).

    Thanks everyone
    Last edited by Adreja; 05-12-2009 at 07:51 AM.

  2. #2
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    2 things I noticed right off the bat by browsing your post.

    1- your bf% is too high. You should be 15 at the absolute highest in my opinion.
    2- there are way too many orals in that cycle. You are risking liver damage bro.

  3. #3
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    Also, where did you get your bf%? I think its a high estimate IMO

  4. #4
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bf% looks to be around 15% maybe even less.

  5. #5
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    seems your looking to do everything.. why so many compounds..

    how about just test,deca ,dbol with a clean diet..

  6. #6
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    ^^ Thats right around where I was thinking.

    How old are you bro? And is this your third total cycle or just since May of 07?

  7. #7
    wackod2's Avatar
    wackod2 is offline Associate Member
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    yea i would cut down on orals

  8. #8
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    WAAAY too many oral compounds in that cycle.

    To me it looks like you're trying to make this a bulking cycle for the first 8 weeks and after that you're looking to cut. I would suggest breaking up the 2 ideas: i.e. run a bulking cycle first... recover... and then do a cutting cycle with the clen / winny, etc.

    You're going to see some nasty sides from that proposed cycle, there's no way around that fact..

  9. #9
    Adreja is offline Associate Member
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    In the pic i am sucking in my stomach so looks better (will post another pic where im relaxed and not sucking it in) but on the scales that measure body fat it says 20. I dont have much fat in the rest of the body only in the stomach. And as of lately am really bloated. The stomach is hard and just sticks out. I'm 32 and this is my 3rd cycle in total and i started in May 2007. I was thinking about doing bulking and then cutting together in one cycle, but it seems that it would be good to have a break in between. The idea is to kick start with Anadrol and then change to D'bol. So what if i was to have weeks 1-9 as a bulking cycle (maybe add one more week and make it 10 weeks) and weeks 10-14 as a cutting cycle (maybe extend it for another 3 weeks and make it 8 weeks). What protection should i use for bulking and what protection for cutting cycle?

  10. #10
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adreja View Post
    In the pic i am sucking in my stomach so looks better (will post another pic where im relaxed and not sucking it in) but on the scales that measure body fat it says 20. I dont have much fat in the rest of the body only in the stomach. And as of lately am really bloated. The stomach is hard and just sticks out. I'm 32 and this is my 3rd cycle in total and i started in May 2007. I was thinking about doing bulking and then cutting together in one cycle, but it seems that it would be good to have a break in between. The idea is to kick start with Anadrol and then change to D'bol. So what if i was to have weeks 1-9 as a bulking cycle (maybe add one more week and make it 10 weeks) and weeks 10-14 as a cutting cycle (maybe extend it for another 3 weeks and make it 8 weeks). What protection should i use for bulking and what protection for cutting cycle?
    Those scales are horrible in accuracy man, trust me your bf% is around 15%, I was at 16% after my first bulk way back in the day so I know how to guess bf% pretty good.

    Your around 14-15%

    As for bulking, have you tried Tren ?

    Im trying to think of this in cost effective approach, don't get me wrong orals are good in certain areas but if you want to save money and bulk while losing fat, I would do Test and Tren.

    With tren you get more side effects, but you also get great gains while losing fat. It's a catch 22, but from all the logs and experiences of people I read who ran Tren they were satisfied completely which is why I decided to run it in the very near future.

    I only mention tren because you said this was going to be your last cycle, so with Tren IMO you would make the great gains and then when you ran your cutter after you took the break you would be looking pretty good.

  11. #11
    Adreja is offline Associate Member
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    Read up on Tren and seems pretty good. So the way it looks it would be changing Deca for Tren and running it with Test Enanthate . But would i still keep D'bol and how much Tren? Do i run Proviron with it or Nolvadex or both? Any pointers on the workout program?

  12. #12
    Adreja is offline Associate Member
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    Also which one gives better results the Tren Acetate or Tren Enanthate .

  13. #13
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adreja View Post
    Read up on Tren and seems pretty good. So the way it looks it would be changing Deca for Tren and running it with Test Enanthate. But would i still keep D'bol and how much Tren? Do i run Proviron with it or Nolvadex or both? Any pointers on the workout program?
    You won't need the d-bol, Tren is one of the most, if not the most powerful of all the anabolic steroids . Tren will do all the work, you won't even need the dbol .

    As for dosage of Tren Ace, most people run between 50-100mg Everyday

    I would suggest starting around 75mg ED, I think it will be enough for your first time. That's the dosage I am going to be doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adreja View Post
    Also which one gives better results the Tren Acetate or Tren Enanthate.
    They are the same, Tren Ace is a shorter ester which means you have to inject everyday and Tren E is a long ester so you only have to inject twice a week.

    IMO you should do Tren Ace first because it leaves the body quicker, so if you ever feel that 75mg is too strong or you experience adverse side effects you could bring down the dosage much quicker than if you use Tren E which stays in the body longer.

    Remember to supplement it with Test

  14. #14
    Adreja is offline Associate Member
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    Ok so it look like Tren Ace 75mg e/d, Test 500mg e/w and no orals. Could i start 1st couple of weeks with Tren Ace and if its not too much continue with Tren E at the same dosage so that way there are less injections? What about protections such as Proviron , nolvadex , arimidex etc? What does IMO stand for?

    Thanks for helping Immortal

  15. #15
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adreja View Post
    Ok so it look like Tren Ace 75mg e/d, Test 500mg e/w and no orals. Could i start 1st couple of weeks with Tren Ace and if its not too much continue with Tren E at the same dosage so that way there are less injections? What about protections such as Proviron , nolvadex , arimidex etc? What does IMO stand for?

    Thanks for helping Immortal
    No. The reasoning behind this is that tren e is long estered while tren a is short. The longer estered compound will take longer to work so if you took tren a for 3 weeks for example, then switched to e, the e would take several weeks to kick in while the tren a would have already been working.

    Hopefully that made sense...

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