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Thread: can u use 1/2 inch insullin pinz and where should you put them ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    can u use 1/2 inch insullin pinz and where should you put them ?

    i need help i got some 1/2 insullin needles and i need to know if you can use them and where to put them on ones body ? thank you for yalls help

  2. #2
    what are you using ??? if you're usin slin, you've got the right needles.

    if you're using something else, well, you've got the wrong needles. of course you could shoot in your calf or shoulder or pec with those size.'re gonna want to get at least 25 guage 1 " - I use a 23 guage for my shots (quads & glutes) and have some 25 guage for my delts

  3. #3
    Headbusta, like KeyMastur said, it depends on what you are shooting. I've used them for site injections of test suspension, and for sub-q growth hormone. What are you using?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Used mine for winnie in my shoulders, took a few trys to draw it up but it was much nicer then 23g or 25g every other day......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Hey Mastiff

    Can you tell my how you use insulin pins for site injection with test suspension. Is test suspension oil base and how much do you sight inject. What was the results of your sight injections?


  6. #6
    Damn, i have trouble getting my test susp to flow through a 22g, wish i could use a 25, its painful stickin them shits in your bi's. I mix oil in the needle, and kinda let the ts form a pocket in the middle and it flows ok.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    That is all i use, and i shoot oils through them into shoulders, calfs, tris, bis, chest and even quads let me ad my body fat % is relitively low so i know i am reaching the muscle tissue...and my test suspenssion is micronized and wet-milled so it dose not clog up the dart...XXL

  8. #8
    What kind of test susp do you have, and what do you mean by wet-milled/micronized?

    Im using jurox TS.


  9. #9
    My test susp was made by Schein Pharmaceutical 100mg/ml. Its water based and human grade, and it flows thru the slin pin most of the time. It clogs maybe once every two weeks. When that happens I just shake it up and transfer it to another slin pin. I'm one of the guys that thinks site injections with a non-esterfied roid works.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Located in the mist that follows the storm
    Since we are on pinz, will the slin pin work for QV test? Just curious...

  11. #11
    DestroyingAngle, I just fill up the slin pin halfway up(50mg test susp) and inject into my bi's or tri's. I avoid the veins. My test susp is water based, most of the time I shoot twice a day. I wind up feeling like a pin cushion. I think it helped. My bi's and tri's weren't growing, when I did this they improved. It worked for me.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    thanks for the info mastiff

    Do you know if I can get water based test from a US doctor? Or is water based test not FDA approved? I would like to try spot injection with test because I had good results spot injecting winny.

  13. #13
    It was FDA approved. I don't know if any company makes it now, mine is about 3 years old. I went to the Schein website, they were bought out by Watson. I did a product search for testosterone but didn't find any suspension.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I will check with my doctor and get back to you.

  15. #15
    Originally posted by kazual
    Since we are on pinz, will the slin pin work for QV test? Just curious...
    i'm sure it will. remember though - you've got to shoot it into the muscle, and slin pins are 1/2 " long, so you better have relatively low BF.

    if you have the patience but not the tolerance for pain, use a 25 guage.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Im sure you can squeeze the juice into the needle but as for the fact of reaching the inner depth of the muscle is another issue unless you are a fan of bicep and calf injections. I use 25g 1" and it never fails.

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