I have two cycles under my belt both both front loaded and this is what they look like

1st wks 1-14 Test E 500wk stats 25, 5'11'' 198
wks1-11 Deca 400wk dont know b/f but very low
wks1-15 adex .25 can barley pinch my stomach
pct clomid, nolva, tribulus I also have a pic in my profile
if that helps
2nd wks 1-13 Andropen 550wk
wks 1-10 Decabol 500wk
pct clomid, nolva, tribulus

For about 7, 8 weeks I am walking erection but soon after week 7 or 8 it fades away on both cycles. I tried some nolva during this cycle but not much help. My libido is still through the roof but the little guy wont fight and when he does he hides for a good 24 hours .
I was thinking of running a test only cycle in the summer but "some people" are telling me I am wasting my time and money. I would like to stack something because I want to gain the most possible during my on time, but at the same time want to see how my body reacts to test only. I now wish I took that test only first cycle but I didnt understand then. So I would like to know how many of you guys run test only cycles and like them or is stacking a must? and if so something that will not affect my dick.