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  1. #1
    dee187 is offline New Member
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    Nolvadex before steroid cycle for fat burning?

    First of my stats:
    Gender: male
    Age: 26
    Height: 6'4
    Weight: 200lb
    Body fat: %14.6

    Ive been working out for 5 plus years now and i feel its time to start using steroids . Im to start a test 500mg/week for 8 weeks + dianabol 20mg/every day for 4 weeks cycle. Heard its the best first cycle for maximum mass. If you guys think otherwise, please post your suggestions. Would really appreciate that. Anyway, before i start with the cycle above (or any other steroid cycle), i was wondering if its better if i go on a Nolvadex cycle first. Ive been on a fat burning program for about 4 months now. Went down from %24 body fat to what i am now; %14.6 body fat. But i feel like i carry most of the fat around my thighs and buttocks (irritating). Im thinking thats cz i have more than normal amount of estrogen. So basicaly, im thinking of continuing my 4 days a week weight lifting and 7 days a week running for 1 hour program while on Nolvadex untill i reach %9 body fat...and then go on a steroid cycle. So what i would like to know is: would Nolvadex help in burning fat and attain maximum benifit from the steroid cycle later on? Thanks for your input on this guys.
    Last edited by dee187; 02-01-2009 at 05:35 AM.

  2. #2
    adimenia is offline New Member
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    Jan 2009
    NO NO NO why would you want to do that? just run some ephedrine and caffeine for fat lose and about your cycle its too short IMO and the dbol dosage is to low run test e 500mg a week and dbol at 40mg for 4 weeks bare in mide that this cycle will put on you a lot of bloat and water retention is high and at 14%bf i dont think it will be that productive id cut down to 11-12 % BF before id start using gear

  3. #3
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dee187 View Post
    First of my stats:
    Gender: male
    Height: 6'5
    Weight: 200lb
    Body fat: %14.6

    Ive been working out for 5 plus years now and i feel its time to start using steroids. Im to start a test 500mg/week for 8 weeks + dianabol 20mg/every day for 4 weeks cycle. Heard its the best first cycle for maximum mass. If you guys think otherwise, please post your suggestions. Would really appreciate that. Anyway, before i start with the cycle above (or any other steroid cycle), i was wondering if its better if i go on a Nolvadex cycle first. Ive been on a fat burning program for about 4 months now. Went down from %24 body fat to what i am now; %14.6 body fat. But i feel like i carry most of the fat around my thighs and buttocks (irritating). Im thinking thats cz i have more than normal amount of estrogen. So basicaly, im thinking of continuing my 4 days a week weight lifting and 7 days a week running for 1 hour program while on Nolvadex untill i reach %9 body fat...and then go on a steroid cycle. So what i would like to know is: would Nolvadex help in burning fat and attain maximum benifit from the steroid cycle later on? Thanks for your input on this guys.
    Well you seem to have done some research on aas. If you think nolva will help with your weight loss you need to research SERMS.

  4. #4
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by adimenia View Post
    NO NO NO why would you want to do that? just run some ephedrine and caffeine for fat lose and about your cycle its too short IMO and the dbol dosage is to low run test e 500mg a week and dbol at 40mg for 4 weeks bare in mide that this cycle will put on you a lot of bloat and water retention is high and at 14%bf i dont think it will be that productive id cut down to 11-12 % BF before id start using gear
    It wouldn't be that productive, i agree, but if you read the OP's post he says he is going to get to around 9% before starting his cycle.

  5. #5
    adimenia is offline New Member
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    Jan 2009
    well if he manages to do that then he should make his cycle longer a bit and up his dbol dosage so it will actually do something

  6. #6
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by adimenia View Post
    well if he manages to do that then he should make his cycle longer a bit and up his dbol dosage so it will actually do something
    Ok mate, i see, so 8wks is too short and the dbol dose should be doubled, cheers.

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