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  1. #1
    jf24 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008

    bromocriptine while on cycle of tren

    im planning a cycle of tren e and t450(test buytirate,test isocaporate and test e)and last time i used tren i had prolactin gyno so this time im planning on using bromocriptine.I ve also red that bromo is good for fat loss as well but at higher dosage(5mg a day if i remmember).What is the dosage used to control prolactin while on 19 nor cycle and what dosage should i use if i wanna use it as a fat burning agent as well.

    goal:lean muscle mass
    im currently 6ft1 230 lbs at 10 percent bodyfat
    Diet is really good in check and steady 7 meals a day

  2. #2
    Gears's Avatar
    Gears is offline Member
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    All bromo does for fat loss is trick the body into thinking it's not dieting. So its only going to really have uses if you're dropping fat clean through diet. Be careful with your BP with that and tren .

  3. #3
    jf24 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    sorry i dont really understand what your saying...if im correct you mean that i can only drop bodyfat through my diet and for bp its on the lower side i have to check correct?

  4. #4
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jf24 View Post
    sorry i dont really understand what your saying...if im correct you mean that i can only drop bodyfat through my diet and for bp its on the lower side i have to check correct?
    Yes, you can only drop bodyfat through diet, all these drugs are just to help you along.

    Diet is everything!

  5. #5
    jf24 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    like i said my diet is good for example: carbs in the morning and carbs pwo shake plus pwo meal only,rest of the day is protein and fat meal...........200g of chicken in 4 meals out of 7,good low gi brown rice for carbs exept post workout shake were i use dextrose etc....

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