This would be my fourth cycle to date, I'm 25 6'3 205lbs. My last cycle I did was test cypionate 250mg once per week with deca 300mg also once per week. I ran the deca for ten weeks and the test for 13. I went up to 220lbs at about 8% body fat. I don't want to get get real big I just like looking good for the summer months. My body reacts well to the lower doses and low fat lower carb high protein diet. I always use novaldex and clomid for my pct's.
Right now I have 15cc of sust 250, 10cc of deca 250, 10cc of test cypionate, and 10cc of trenbolone 250. I was thinking of starting with a front load of the sust every other day for two weeks, start the deca 250 at the same time. I'd take the deca 250 once a week for 10 weeks. After the frt load with the sust id just start taking the cypionate 200 once a week. I have no idea when or where to ad the tren. I'm actually very weary, never using it before. (its very potent).
I can easily get more test cypionate but like I said early my body reacts well to the low dose. I think maybe its because I only do it once a year? I never (knock on wood) have had any acne, anger, sex drive, or gyno issues either.
Any suggestions from more experienced posters would be a great help.