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  1. #1
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Nov 2006

    Tren Ace/ Test Prop cyle.... just started and need advice

    6'1" 195lbs 11% bf (have about 5 cylces under belt.. Var, Tbol, Npp, test P)

    started Tren Ace/ Test Prop today (2/5/09)

    Tren Ace @ 50mg ed

    Test Prop @ 30mg ed

    Arimidex @ .5mg ed.....or should I use letrozole (I have both available)

    Cabergoline @ .5mg 2 x wk...... or Bromocriptine @ 2.5mg ed ???????
    **(dont know which would be better caber or bromo? I have both available)

    My goals are to lean out and harden up a little bit while minimizing sides such as acne, hair loss, etc...... so I feel I dont need to run a large weekly dose of tren (after all.... a little bit of Tren is better than nothing at all ) Im only running a small trt dose of test because Im only trying to keep libido, etc.. in check while using tren, Im in the belief that test does not need to be run equal to whatever additional AAS you are running.. I have used small trt doses of test in my previous NPP cycles and never had a libido or performance issue at all... I just use enough test to cover/mimic what my body would normally make...

    ok... so with all this said, I have a couple questions?????

    From what I understand about active hormone and esters, Tren A contains about 83mg of Tren per 100mg/1ml.... and Test Prop contains about 80mg of test per 100mg/1ml.... so with that said I should dose tren/test according to that scale... My Tren and Prop are both 100mg per the Tren would be shot @ 65mg to = 53mg pure tren and the test P would be shot @ 40mg to = 32mg pure test

    Finally.... which would be better Cabergoline or Bromo and at what dosages as well as Arimidex or Letro and again at what dosage?

    thank you in advance

  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    I wouldn't use anything unless you need it. maybe the adex at .25 eod for bloat. But alot of what you are asking can be controlled by diet.

    One thing you need to know, is that your low dose of test doesn't mimic your normal levels. It's more than your body produces.

    I would just keep them both at 50. And enjoy the cycle.

  3. #3
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Nov 2006
    You dont think I should run caber or bromo for possible prolactin issues? I ran bromo during a previous npp cycle and it seemed to work fine..... Id just rather prevent prolactin than have to deal with it later on....

  4. #4
    oneshot's Avatar
    oneshot is offline Anabolic Member
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    at those doses, gyno or any prolactin issues are very unlikely.

  5. #5
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Nov 2006
    How long before I feel the Tren kick in?....... Im on day 4 right now and im starting to feel some tightness/tightening in my bi's, tri's, chest area...

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