First-Thank You For Helping Me Out! It Is Appreciated!

Facts: Male, Age 35, 240LBs, Eat Right, Lifting & Cardio Daily.
Goal is to gain muscle, get stronger, would like to get cut (lose fat).


Been On HGH (Blue Tops) (4 weeks) (10IU/Wk 5 on 2 off)

Been On Equiplex 200 (2 weeks) (1cc/wk) (Wkly CC Plan: 1/1/2/2/2/1/1)
(Plan on 10 weeks total-8 remaining)

Starting Sustaplex 325 In 1 week (when it arrives)
(Plan on 1CC/wk for 10 weeks)

Any other suggestions, modifications, changes, PCT that I shoud be considering? I read all of the articles and it can be overwhelming at times. You guys are VERY HELPFUL--thank you!