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Thread: Infection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    I injected 400 mg Deca into my left glute a week ago. After I injected it, the glute became swollen, red and there was a lump. This was my second shot, 1.5” 23 gauge needle. First shot was good and today’s shot was fine. Today it’s still swollen and red, although not as much and the lump is gone. I don’t know if it’s an infection or just the juice not absorbed. I DO know I didn’t stick the needle in as far as I should have. It doesn’t hurt, not itchy, just swollen and red. What do you all think? Just give it more time?

  2. #2
    might want to get that checked out bro. One of my buddies did an injection in his tri....and the day after it was bruised....then the day after that he had a huge lumb on the back of his arm. He went to see a doc yesterday and it was infected. they gave him 3 anitbiotic shots yesterday 3 more today. and they gave him pill form anibiotics to take for a week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If it is infected it will be a hard lump and the surrounding area will be very tender to touch and will feel very hot.If that is what you have go to the doctors,After you inject makesure you massage the area to distribute the oil otherwise you will be left with a lump under the skin which sounds more like what you have done.

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