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Thread: Done my searching, final questions..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North of TO Canada

    Question Done my searching, final questions..

    So i have decided on this:

    Week 1-4 D-Bol 30ED
    Week 1-10 Sust 250/week
    week 1-10 Deca 300/week
    Week 13-15 Clomid
    Sides for gyno/bloat on hand


    A)-For the first cycle, taking into consideration cost etc. would it be better to run 500 Sust/week or to run 250 Sust+300 Deca/week?

    B)-I know gains are made from 250 Sust/week but hear that most people wish they had of taken 500 instead. However will the Deca make up the difference of the Sust or provide a better/different reaction in the cycle?

    C)-With regards to preventing gyno, i have searched that Deca will most likey NOT cause gyno when taken in doses under 400mg/week. However since people vary, it is possible. So to combat the possibility of can i run a daily or weekly dose of TAMOXIFEN CITRATE to ensure that gyno will not appear from the start?

    D)-What type of fat gains are to be expected when cycling this combo? Again is this a per person thing or can round about amount be expected or does it depend on caloric intake?
    Last edited by centricity; 11-22-2002 at 02:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I think Sust250 should be ran a minimal of twice weekly because of the Props quick half life. Running it once a week whould be hard to keep stabilized blood levels. If you want a modest dose of Test (under 500 mg's a week) try one with a longer half life, like Testosterone Ethanate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Good questions...

    A) Really hard to say. Since you put an "etc." in there, I'll add that recovery from 500mg Sus/wk. may be easier than a Sus/Deca stack because of the Deca. Nandrolone can be very suppressive and the decanoate ester certainly doesn't help things. Further, the progestagenic activity and the likelihood that the nandrolone will stick around longer than synthetic testosterone may give you more than you bargained for on a first cycle.

    B.) The anabolic nature of Deca may "make up the difference." Just expect a little less bloating.

    C.) I wouldn't trust the 400mg/wk figure. It's not that straightforward. You can run Nolvadex to help fight gyno even though most people believe it will do nothing to prevent progesterone-induced gyno. However, most studies that I've read conclude that excessive estrogen levels are required for true gyno to develop regardless of the compound taken. So it could help, especially with the bloating, but you can't guarantee you won't have a problem.

    D.) Fat storage is most dependent on caloric intake, although certain medications can predispose one to store excess calories as fat. I would say, holding all things equal, that fat storage from testosterone usage would be less than deca usage because of the stimulatory affect testosterone has on GH levels (which subsequently increases TSH, T3, etc.--thyroid activity).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    A) Run the sust at 500mg/wk.
    B) Deca will cause lots of gains, but it also shuts down the HPTA hard, better off running 500mg/wk test alongside the 300mg/wk deca, you will be happier with the results.
    C) 20mg/day nolvadex is usually the normal dosage and then people ramp up to 40-80mg/day if symptoms of gyno appear.
    D) Fat gains are more related to your diet, if you eat pretty clean you shouldn't put on much fat, some people even lose bf% while on cycle. It all depends by person IMO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North of TO Canada
    Would running straight Sust at 500/week be less "gyno prone" than running the sust/deca combo or does it depend on the person regardless of the drug used?

    Thanks again for your answers!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    City of Angels
    Sust and Deca cause different kinds of gyno. Do some searches on deca and gyno.

    Note: Sust 250 & 500 are not your only choices. 3/4cc 2x week = 375mg

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Think of your comparison as trying to add apples and oranges. Deca is prone to raising progesterone gyno and test aromatizes to estrogen.
    Cut the deca = you cut progesterone gyno
    Cut the test(I wouldn't do) = you cut gyno by estrogen.
    If you're thinking of shying away from the deca then look into EQ.


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