So i have decided on this:
Week 1-4 D-Bol 30ED
Week 1-10 Sust 250/week
week 1-10 Deca 300/week
Week 13-15 Clomid
Sides for gyno/bloat on hand
A)-For the first cycle, taking into consideration cost etc. would it be better to run 500 Sust/week or to run 250 Sust+300 Deca/week?
B)-I know gains are made from 250 Sust/week but hear that most people wish they had of taken 500 instead. However will the Deca make up the difference of the Sust or provide a better/different reaction in the cycle?
C)-With regards to preventing gyno, i have searched that Deca will most likey NOT cause gyno when taken in doses under 400mg/week. However since people vary, it is possible. So to combat the possibility of can i run a daily or weekly dose of TAMOXIFEN CITRATE to ensure that gyno will not appear from the start?
D)-What type of fat gains are to be expected when cycling this combo? Again is this a per person thing or can round about amount be expected or does it depend on caloric intake?