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  1. #1
    beachrugger8 is offline New Member
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    First Real Cycle

    I am a 24y/o male
    6'3" 225
    I have been weight training consistantly for the past 5 years and have been at the same weight for the last year or so. I'm around 12% bf and play rugby and was looking to do a cycle during season. I did a 6 week Eq cycle that was pretty half ass i gained maybe 10 lbs and lost 5 of that. I eat 4-5thousand calories a day and eat 300-400 g protein daily. I practice 4 times a week and do crossfit as well as cardio 3x a week and power lifting 4x a week. I'm looking to start a cycle as follows:

    test cypionate or enanthate 400-500mg/week(split in 2 days a week) 12 weeks
    deca 200-400mg a week (split 2 days a week)10 weeks
    *possibly Dbol 20-25 mg a day for 4 weeks

    I am gonna have nolvadex for any gyno problems
    and clomid for pct
    also heard that taking 200mg/day b6 during cycle would help
    fish oil as well?

    Just wondering how these doses and lengths look. I'm looking to put on around 20lbs if possible. Any info or suggestions would be appreciated as this is basically my first cycle and i want to do it right.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    I would go with a test c only cycle first time, but thats just me...

  3. #3
    Njectable's Avatar
    Njectable is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I would go with a test c only cycle first time, but thats just me...
    I agree, or enanthate , either or..

  4. #4
    beachrugger8 is offline New Member
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    so go just test? which is better? or is it just preferance? Should i go with the same pct? just on test is 20lbs possible?

  5. #5
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    ^^ yes 20 lbs is def. possible. run both clomid and nolva for pct. there is almost no difference between test e and c and will see same results with both

  6. #6
    beachrugger8 is offline New Member
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    what dosing would you recomend pct?
    150 1 day
    100 1 week?
    50 1 week?-clomid


  7. #7
    beachrugger8 is offline New Member
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    I really want to see the effects. Will test alone do this I am a hard gainer?

  8. #8
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Your first cycle if you eating right and training good you will make massive gains. I would stick with the test alone and maybe kick with dbols if you want

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