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Thread: First time needs help

  1. #1

    First time needs help

    I am going to start a cycle next week. I am going to take equipose for eight weeks. I am going to take my dosages step by step. Going 100ml week one, 200ml week two, 300ml for week three and four. Then step back down the doses unitl I'm out. Does that sound good. This is my first cycle so i need help. i was going to follow up with maxetron and cyclo z-mass. All so clomid for ten days. Should I do anything else? Feed back would be very helpful.

  2. #2
    The original jason Guest
    Equipose on its own pretty useless I would add something else depending on what oyu want something like test/winnie or dbol not sure on what some of the other things you mentioned are but you will need clomid for 3 weeks post cycle 50/100/50 mg. Starting 10 days after your last shot


  3. #3

    why EQ

    I friend of mine took it and he said it made him look more mature. His muscles filled out more. I don't want to get huge. i just want a fuller look. I know if I wanted to put on size this is not the drug to take

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    Damn bro 300ml of EQ, you are gonna need one hell of a syringe


  5. #5
    The original jason Guest
    ok so go with an equipose/winnie stack they wont blow u up and you will get what you want cycle it like this

    weeks 1-8
    equipose 400-600mg per week
    weeks 3-8
    winnie 50mg ed
    weeks 9,10,11 clomid 50/100/50mg ed


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    original jason is on point

    but somewhere in you first post i read that you were going to taper down.i've done EQ about 4 times.never tapered down.taperign down is a waste of juice in my opinion w/ EQ and Deca.

  7. #7
    So I should just do 300ml at two shots a week. I shouldn't pyramid up and down. I just want to do the equipose. i want to see how my body reacts to the sauce. Is there any more advice? i want to do this right. I was going to alternate injection sites too. Going from delttoid to top of the butt to the quad. Sound good?

  8. #8
    The original jason Guest
    split your injections up to three a week equal time between, if u r only gonna do Eq u will still need clomid post cycle and dont expect much why put your body through that without benefitting from it?? some people I dont understand do you know why we call it stacking?? cos u stack one with another! if i was u I would think about it


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Find out what you want out of your cycle. First you should definatly stack the eq with a test and deca or switch it to a cutting cycle but evaluate you body and see whta you want out of it but just dont take eq by itself its pretty usless

  10. #10
    If I take eq what will happen? I all ready told you guys that I didn't want to get big. i just wanted to look fuller. What other kind will do that for me? I've seen what the eq does to someone and i like what they looked like

  11. #11
    The original jason Guest
    i wrote u a cycle above try that one u wont get massive or blow up just gain some quality muscle winnie and eq read above


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    You wont get all boated but you will get wicked strong and you muscles will appear mor fuller not just bloated. I try to fit in eq in evry stack I do

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