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  1. #1
    H2Okid is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2009

    cutting Test in half???

    I was reading that my levels of Test are prob too high for the type of cycle results that I am wanting(cutting). So, I have almost decided to cut my Test dosage in half, in hopes of reducing water ret, and bloat.

    currently: 1. 600mg Test E (wk) 2 shots m,th

    2. 60mg Var (ed) all taken in a.m

    3. 20mg Nolv (ed)

    *ON MY 3RD WEEK. wk 4-8 will ramp up Var to 80-100, then start Win 8-16.

    like to get some other opinions on this. especially the cutting my Test dosage in half for better cuts. Have not read much on this yet, but it seems to make sense...

  2. #2
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    First what are your stats?

    Secondly i dont know where you heard this at but its false.

    Your "cuts" as you call them do not come from the amount nor the type of gear you use. It is ALL DIET DEPICTED. With that being said, yes some AAS do aromatize and cuase you to hold water. There are ancilleries out there such as Aromatose inhibitors that help reduce water bloat which will help you achieve a more "ripped" look while on cycle.....well, only if your BF% is low enough which comes from your diet.

  3. #3
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why not use a low dose AI instead of nolva, it's much better than running nolva throught a cycle.

  4. #4
    H2Okid is offline Associate Member
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    I understand where a great deal of the "cuts" come from.(#1 diet, #2 cardio, work ethic, genetics, etc). I was just trying to tweak the AS part of the equation, if it was to help at all. I honestly have no idea if there is any truth to what I read(thread on forum here), but it seemed to make sense to me. However, that means nothing, due to the education I have on this forum, vs the likes of the senior members, and other whiz's Ive been following on here.

    I guess if it helped me to reduce bloat and water ret, I was thinking that would help me look better, but if it comes at too high of a price on some other aspect of my cycle, I would not do it. I guess that is what I am wondering? what will happen if I do that, and could you explain it to me a lil more.

    Also, I am just about to start researching the AI's and there function. So far have put most of my time on this forum into other areas of my cycle. It sounds like I may need to tweak the AI into the cycle instead of the Nolva.

    I was seeing mild Gyno from first 2 weeks, and was told to throw the Nolv in there. so I did.

    any info is appreciated.


  5. #5
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Your diet controlls if you cut or bulk. If you got gyno you should look into letro

  6. #6
    H2Okid is offline Associate Member
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    thanks Johnny,
    the letro will significantly reduce the water retention from the increased est.

    how much better does it do this compared to Nolv?
    Last edited by H2Okid; 02-12-2009 at 10:47 AM.

  7. #7
    H2Okid is offline Associate Member
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    hmm, Im also reading that letro might be a bit overboard for the case of beating gyno. sounds like it would suit a pro bb much better, than me?

  8. #8
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by H2Okid View Post
    thanks Johnny,
    the letro will significantly reduce the water retention from the increased est.

    how much better does it do this compared to Nolv?
    Nolva doesn't reduce estrogen much at all it blocks estrogen receptors and also afeects your IGF system, thats why i recommended an AI in my earlier post.

  9. #9
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Whether you use 600mg or 300mg of test E you will still bloat. The bloating caused by the test is mostly do to the aromatization of the test to estrogen. SERMs will help the lil bit of gyno from forming even more just as an AI would do the same. The AI however can reduce water bloat even more. I personally like the water as it helps with the joints and strength in the gym As far as having your diet and everything else controlled thats awesome and i see you point, the AI would be the option for you in terms of contolling the rest of the water retention.

    As far as your theory goes, you still will bloat regardless if you cut the dosage in half as you are still utilizing a large amount of test once you have reached peak blood plasma levels.

    Letro is overkill IMO, adex works WAY to good for fact it works so good at stopping the aromatose enzyme that my joints hurt, my strength goes down, libido is decrease a lil bit....i just AI's

    I have used letro as well and forget that.

    I would say to give adex a try to cut the water retention if you must. .25mg EOD to start, and if it does nothing then .25mg ED....that should be plenty.

  10. #10
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    ^^exactly. i have cut on 100mgs of test and armidex. as long as you have a clean diet and you can manage the water and estrogen you can cut on anything
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  11. #11
    H2Okid is offline Associate Member
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    thanks everyone for the input!

    yeah, for alot of reasons, it is hard for me to hear "reduce water bloat", as water is pretty much the most important element in the body. It somehow always reminds me that if people are experiencing water bloat, that they either 1. are not doing enough cardio, or 2. are consuming massive amounts of water(which is very hard to do, as I have experimented with hyperhydration in the diet).

    thinking back, I can only remember noticing any bloat, when I wasnt "on" with my cardio. of course, there is a bit of roid gut from cycling wrong in the past. Fuc, did I get some bad advice back in the days...

    I will keep Test at 600 per week, stay on the Nolv and see what happens. I might have jumped the gun on my bloat issue, and simply have overlooked my lacking cardio at the time. If it is noticable in the coming weeks, I will switch to adex.

    By next year, I should be ready for the Letro.

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