Is it worth it (or wise) to throw some Deca in on a Test Cyp/Eq cycle, or should I hold on to it until the next go round?
Is it worth it (or wise) to throw some Deca in on a Test Cyp/Eq cycle, or should I hold on to it until the next go round?
if you're already runnin the Cyp / EQ cycle, i'd hold the deca off until next go round. no sense in starting it in the middle of it.
of course if you're not already runnin the Cyp / EQ cycle, it's your call. some people seem to like runnin Deca / EQ together, while other's disagree. myself, i would run the EQ instead of the deca.
Nope, Starting Monday....I know many people use one or the other, but I have not heard or read about people using them both, so that spawned my curiosity.
Ive read about some people using deca for there joints. I think it was buff...but if i were you id leave the deca out. Good luck with your cycle.
Originally posted by palme
Ive read about some people using deca for there joints. I think it was buff...but if i were you id leave the deca out. Good luck with your cycle.
Why would you leave it out? Water retension? Excessive aromitization?
Throw it all in there and watch you grow.
I am in the midst of a twenty-four week cycle; I started the cycle running test/deca for eight weeks, and then switched to Eq. I still inject 100mg of deca/week for the joints. If this is your first cycle, I would say keep it simple and learn how your body responds to different compounds. By throwing in multiple steroids, you will never be sure what your body is responding too. Just a thought.
Last edited by NoLimits; 11-26-2002 at 11:30 AM.
Hey bro Im in my 6th week of deca/eq/enan cycle and I can tell you that Im loving it better than my eq/enan/winny cycle. I had a bro do the same cycle and he loved it so I had to try it too and its a cycle I will do again in the future, Im just paranoid about getting tits.
Yes, I have always used Eq/Test..then Fina/Winnt to wrap everything up, so this is my first Deca experience...I have always read about it causing gyno! I guess proviron will be a must!
hey bamma is this your first cycle????? i think you need to read up a little more!!!! Just messing with ya fool. Hey you must have been reading my mind on the deca, i was thinking after this cycle was over throwing in some deca on the next one.
call me bro, i am in the office from 8:30 to 4:00 my do the math i cannot remember how many hours different we are.
That is an interesting cycle! I think i'm gonna try that. Should you go equal amounts such as 800mg Test, 800mg EQ,and 800mg Deca or 800mg Test,600mg EQ, and 600mg Deca what is the better way?
Thanks everyone, for all the great info!
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