First off, my specs:
Age: 21
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150
Worked Out: 4 years 2 of which have been strict (5 days a week)
Body Fat: 8%
I consume around 3500-4000 Calories a day. Eating is my biggest problem because I am so dang picky.
Blood Panel:
Cholesterol 141
Triglycerides 63
HDL 40²
LDL 88
VLDL 12.5
PSH 6.4
LH 7.5
Prolactin 24.5 HIGH(2.0-18.0 is normal)
IGF-I 306
T-4 Free 1.2
TSH, 3rd generation 1.89
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) 38
Glucose 77
Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 9
Creatinine 1.09
Sodium 143
Potassium 4.1
Chloride 104
Carbon Dioxide 25
Calcium 9.9
Protein, Total 7.3
Albumin 4.9
Globulin 2.4
Albumin/Globulin Ration 2.0
Bilirubin, Total 0.9
Alkaline Phosphatase 55
AST 24
ALT 41
ESTRADIOL-6 14.04 (to the 4th power)
Testosterone, Total 342 (250-1100 is normal)
I had my Total Testosterone tested several times... I've had it as low as 100.3 to as high as 610. I was 20 when all of the tests were done and even though they are within normal limits to the doctor, my levels are equal to my father who is 51 (seems low to me).
Now that you have seen all of that information lol here is the cycle I want to run...
16 week total cycle
Weeks 1-11: Test C 300mg per week
Weeks 1-10: Decaplex 275mg per week
Weeks 1-4: Methanoplex (Methandienone) 30mg/day
Weeks 1-16: Nolvadex 20mg/day
Weeks 14-16: CLOMID CYCLE
Week 1: 300mg/100mg/100mg/100mg/100mg/100mg/100mg
Week 2: 100mg/100mg/100mg/100mg/50mg/50mg50mg
Week 3: 50mg/50mg/50mg/50mg/50mg/50mg/50mg
I wasn't sure if I wanted to do the decaplex 275 yet, Let me know what you all think.
Let me know if you need/want any more information. Thanks everyone in advance for your help!
PS: I have slight gyno from Tren Xtreme in both nipples, so I am definitely prone to aromitization or w/e. This is one of my biggest worries so I want to make sure I have the right PCT and estro blockers on-hand