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Thread: Greek Testoviron problem?

  1. #1

    Greek Testoviron problem?

    On a cycle of Deca and Testoviron (enanthate)250 form Greece. First time I've used this brand and I'm having problems. I put 200 Deca/250 Test. in same shot in my quad. Injections are difficult - hard pushing plunger down and worst of all, almost exactly 48 hrs after injection I get incredibly sore in my quad and very slight flu like symptoms. Soreness is so bad I limp! Flu like symptoms are gone the next day and sorenes kinda goes over a couple of days. All usual injection precautions are taken eg. cleanliness, rotating sites, one needle to draw and one to inject. Has anyone else had problems with this brand or could I be ellergic to the oil? I've not had probs. with other Test. brands. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Forgot to say,... brand is Schering.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    From the wording of your post i'm assuming you've used deca and test successfully in the past since your quest is guided towards the brands and not the substances themselves.

    One thing you can do is seperate the deca and test injections - stick them in different places with different pins - even on different days and see which one - if either - you're getting this from. Of course that only tells you which one to look deeper into. It doesn't solve the problem.

    Soreness from a test injection isn't uncommon. But 2 days later? It takes you 2 days to get any soreness?

    Flu-like symtoms following test injections do happen sometimes too. It's an individual thing.

    It's likely an individualized reaction to the drugs - probably the test. There could be something in it that doesn't agree with your body. The only other thing I can think of is infection and for that to show up 48 hrs later and then consistently disappear is highly unlikely.

    If it were me i'd split them up like I suggested and prove it's one of them - which will likely be the test - but in the world of "allergic responses" it could be anything - and then find a substitute for it - a different brand. Of course the next logical step would be to get a friend to stick a vial of it and see if he gets the same reaction. That either points the finger at the juice or at something isolated to you. But I personally wouldn't give a friend something that might make him sick.

    You may never figure out exactly what's going on but you can find a work-around solution. Moving forward you know to avoid this brand.

  4. #4
    Thanks Hammerhead.
    As you guessed I've used this brand of Deca before but not the same test. brand. My leg was so sore I've had a limp for 3 days! Gonna stick them in different places as you suggest to deduce which it is. Pissed off tho coz I might have to ask my source to buy them back off me and I don't know how accomodating he's gonna be.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    testoviron is the best enethate out there bro thats all i use ,yes the oil alot thicker then others,heat the amp befoe u crack it ,it also loads up alot quick into the pin it prbabaly takes u forever right ?heat it up ,also what size pin are u usin >if its to thin u have to press harder fot the thick ass testoviron to came out therfroe putting alot of pressure ad treaumatizing the site ,in happen to me i rana out of pins and had to hit 25 gause i inch .

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