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  1. #1
    Strong Bad's Avatar
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    Test vs Spawn Cycle comparison

    Steroid virgin here. I've read up and I think I am ready to start my first cycle. I wanted to start with a beginner cycle of test e or c 500 mgs for 10 weeks, but Edited... I've recently read about some powerful prohormones that are easier to get.

    One I was reading about was Spawn, by Myogenix. It apparently has a combination of tren and epistane, which makes for a potent pill. I understand that it is very tough on the liver so I would only want to run it for 3 or 4 weeks at a time, in combination with something like milk thistle. From other user accounts, it apparently provides big strength and size gains in a very short period of time, without all the water retention associated with some other orals. It's also pretty rough on the body from what I read. I realize that a proper PCT with a SERM and an AI is necessary.

    I was hoping someone could give me a comparison of a short spawn cycle versus a longer test cycle, maybe a pros-and-cons of each. Which one would likely provide the most gains? The least sides? Which is more likely to shut me down? Any advice would be appreciated as well.

    My stats are as follows:

    Age: 28
    Ht: 6'1
    Wt: 185
    bf: 11-12%
    Last edited by Strong Bad; 02-16-2009 at 12:41 AM.

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Go with the test e or c way easier on the body and will work alot better.

  3. #3
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Not a single educated person this board will tell you to run a prohormone over testosterone . one of the biggest regrets i have is touching them. They are much harder on the body and side effects are much more pronounced. In terms of gains, yes they produce some pretty incredible results, but these are some dirty compounds my friend.

  4. #4
    NewlyDesigned is offline Junior Member
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    Is spawn still sold OTC? I've heard the results are great with it, but if i were you I'd take the test. The orals aren't great on the body thats for sure.

  5. #5
    Strong Bad's Avatar
    Strong Bad is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    Not a single educated person this board will tell you to run a prohormone over testosterone. one of the biggest regrets i have is touching them. They are much harder on the body and side effects are much more pronounced. In terms of gains, yes they produce some pretty incredible results, but these are some dirty compounds my friend.
    Specifically, why do you regret taking them? Sure, I'd rather take test, I'm trying to figure out what I'm looking at if I go with Spawn instead. If I take it for 3 or 4 weeks am I risking irrepairable harm to my liver? A total shutdown of my natural test production? Gains that disappear quickly?

    Mainly I am just trying to figure out why it would be so bad to do one short cycle of prohormones.

  6. #6
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strong Bad View Post
    Specifically, why do you regret taking them? Sure, I'd rather take test, I'm trying to figure out what I'm looking at if I go with Spawn instead. If I take it for 3 or 4 weeks am I risking irrepairable harm to my liver? A total shutdown of my natural test production? Gains that disappear quickly?

    Mainly I am just trying to figure out why it would be so bad to do one short cycle of prohormones.
    I regret taking them becuase first off i was to young. i listened to the idiot trying to make a buck and put something in my body without really knowing what i was doing.

    second tren (the designer steroid ) is the ony thing to ever cause me problems when it comes to gyno.

    dont feel as good as you do on the real deal.

    harder on the body

    we have no idea what is gonna happen 20 or 30 years down the road from taking these dirty designer steroids . they have only been on the market for a few years if that. compare to test and dbol and the likes.

    as far as irrepairable harm to your liver, i doubt it. but more so then with test.

    shutdown. well this is something your gonna experience either way.

    gains disapearing. not anymore likely to lose gains from pros then from steroids.

  7. #7
    Pittbull78's Avatar
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    Prohormones are essentially precursors to real steroid hormones. That is to say that they convert in the body to, among other things, testosterone . Patrick Arnonld just wrote an interesting article on how to take your average prohormone and convert it via a few simple steps with only basic lab components. This is why prohormones are now illegal, however they were essentially banned, but not classified as Schedule III drugs. Many of the supposed "steroids " sold in magazines are essentially prohormones based.
    I wish I knew about this Spawn - I've heard about it before but never really got the full scoop. If it does contain Tren - it it would have to be 17aa. so as to by pass the liver. I don't know if such as thing is possible with Tren - I have only used it as an injectible, and would never consider taking it otherwise. Tren is potent and very effective but it can carry sides for some people. I have never experienced bad sides other than feeling some dull aches around my kidney areas.

    Prohormones are actully safer because they are not oral steriods with the 17aa carbon molecule attached to them - at least thats how they used to be. Maybe some companies have modified these compounds to bypass the liver. This would make sense, as this would give the prohomones at least the chance to convert. But ulitmately how much will convert and remain testoserone? That also has been the subject of some interesting studies...but thats another subject.

    So the important point here is to determine weather this "Spawn" stuff is infact a prohormone or a real oral 17aa steroid? In either case don't be affraid of using orals - I love them but I use them for shorter periods of time. Used correctly, orals such as my favorite - dbol - can lead to some nice gains.
    Last edited by Pittbull78; 02-17-2009 at 09:42 PM.

  8. #8
    mg316's Avatar
    mg316 is offline Associate Member
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    There is plenty research and articles about steroids .

    All you will find on those designer pro-steroids are peoples opinions.

    Stick to the real deal.

  9. #9
    amcon's Avatar
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    nothing imo beats test... but i am doing spawn now with no sides, and have gained 14 lbs - the strength gains are what every one says they are!!!

    no sides and 60 bucks... why the freak not!!! i am taking lots of h20, milk thistel with needle root, and sawpemento with dandelion... every thing seems great

  10. #10
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    spawn... epistane is a version of a methylated steroid that was used in japan (Epitiostanol), from medical papers i have seen. This means it is a legimate steroid. After using various "real" steroids and a bunch of this kind of stuff, i can vouch for it. If you are not sure you want to use needles or are in a position where you cant (overseas,etc), and want to try something mild and legal but still as good as oral aas, i would suggest Hdrol.

    With hdrol, or epistane, you would gain solid muscle, no water retention, and little acne. You wouldnt be able to cycle as long as injectables, tho.

    With test, you will probably see better results, but may get gyno, acne, and might need to buy additional stuff like adex.

    I would say hdrol, spawn, epistane, are all good choices. I would stay away from superdrol or sdrol or whatever you will, that stuff is a bit harsh. At very least, they are affordable, legal, easily attainable. " Real" gear may be hard to find, depending.

  11. #11
    freakon is offline Associate Member
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    i myself am running both the spawn along with test and deca . I have had several bad batches of dbol which i would normally run as a kickstart. i am using the spawn as a replacement for dbol and so far i am very happy with the results.

  12. #12
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    im kickstarting a injectable cycle with hdrol and epistane, and am pretty impressed, great gains at about week 3-4

  13. #13
    green182's Avatar
    green182 is offline Junior Member
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    Who makes the hdrol you are using?

  14. #14
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    between corn and soybeans
    CEL, should be easy to find

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