I have a case of gyno I got from taking an over the counter bull s*&T test booster. I have never gotten gyno from any of the legitimate gear I have used before since I took my pct right after. I bought the over the counter junk 4 months after my cycle in which I did take tren (which I know can lead to gyno that causes leaky nips) but I never got any signs of my gyno till after I took the over the counter junk. Now because I let the nutrition store guy convince me to buying it lol...I am stuck with what I think is progesterone gyno. The reason I think it’s that is because my nipple does indeed leak when squeezed and kind of looks pointy...but the odd thing when my nipple is hard or it’s cold my chest looks great! WEIRD. But what my doc gave me was Tamoxifen with a dose of 20mgs a day and I have taken it for 3 weeks and it seems to be helping a lil but there is not really a lump behind my nip and the leaking persists so he prescribed me bromo on Monday and says to take 1 pill at 2.5mg ed with my Tamoxifen till my next appointmen(2 months). My question is: should do what my doc says to do and see if that bromo takes away the puffyness and leakiness or should I use the letro I have on hand to knock it out and used my Tamoxifen for the estrogen rebound like c binos guide said to do to reverse it. I know there are a lot of guys out there with the same gyno symptoms so im hoping one of yal can shed some light on what yal have done to wipe it out. Oh I was planning on taking the bromo with my letro. Has anyone taken them both at the same time and will the bromo help with my sex drive even while on letro? Thanks and sorry for the novel lol!!!