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  1. #1
    Earwax5 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2009

    Okay let me start over. A few questions. LONG.

    Okay last night a made a post about what do eat during a cycle. I think maybe I jumped ahead a little too far. I have several questions and more detail about what I want to do. Keep in mind that I'm not dead set on anything. I don't have any gear yet and I'm in no rush. I want to make sure I have everything laid out before I introduce drugs into my body.

    That said, these are my stats.

    Age 24
    BF% 16-17( I know in my last post I said 20%, but after further research and reviewing pics I'm going with 16-17.) I have a solid lifting and cardio routine as of now, but I've been working out on and off for 6 years.

    Cycle idea.

    Was going to run sust250 for 10 wks at 250mgs and stack with var at 50mgs. I only plan on stacking the var for 4 weeks. So I'm not sure exactly the best time to stack my var. In the first 4 weeks or the last 4?


    eggs in the morning with some kind of baked or grilled chicken. Protein shake and multivitamin, prolly centrum performance.

    Salad with chicken and vinaigrette maybe cheese for lunch. another protein shake.

    For dinner more of the same chicken but as this can get redundant I may eat a grilled steak. prolly with a side of beans.

    I will also be drinking water like a mad man because I already drink tons of it anyway. Also keep in mind this is my first draft on my diet, definitely open to suggestions.

    As for PCT this is what I'm most unsure about. Thinking nolvadex . From what I've read it seems to be common to run it 4 wks after last shot. I need to know what dosage and what times though.


    1. Is the sust250-anavar a good mix?

    2. What can I do to improve this diet? I know there is lots.

    3. Whens the best time to stack my var?

    4. Is nolvadex the right thing for PCT and what doses?

    If I missed anything let me know.
    Last edited by Earwax5; 02-20-2009 at 02:43 PM.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1-Sustanon with var would be a good cycle however sustanon needs to be shot eod at the minimum. Test E or Test c are better choices as they onyl need to be injected twice weekly. I would also sugest a dose of 500mg/week for the test and run it for 12 weeks.
    2-Look in the diet section there are many diets already posted that you can mimic
    3-You could run the anavar for the first 4 weeks or the last 4 weeks running it right up until pct. Pct would start 2 weeks after alst test e shot.
    4-PCT needs to be more than Nolva only add in some Clomid and aromasin and run them for 4 weeks.

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    ^^^ that about says it all........

  4. #4
    Earwax5 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Thanks a lot. That helps a bunch. I'll look into the diet forums. Thanks again.

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