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  1. #1
    samich6's Avatar
    samich6 is offline New Member
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    Thinking about first cycle

    Thinking about first cycle...any rec's on type/dose. I currently have a 4 day split routine with good diet (lo-cal, so I probably need more intake)...willing to adjust all. I want a more mass but I do not want to be monster huge....just straight up lean and mean. Biggest side effect concern of mine is har loss.

  2. #2
    fry1020 is offline New Member
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    Are you looking for a steroid or a pro-hormone? Right now I am doing a cycle of H-Drol. I've done doses of 50/75/100/125 to this point. I've had steady but slow strength gains, minor fat loss, and no side effects. I've heard H-Drol is about as mild as you are going to get as far as pro-hormones go.

    As for steroids , you have to compare orals vs injectables. The injectable steroids provide less risks because your liver doesn't have to deal with them; however, you'd have to get past the stigma connected to needles. The mildest you will find, though, is the oral steroid anavar . It is primarily a cutting steroid with slow and steady gains. It is very anabolic , so it will help eliminate body fat in the hard spots.

    Of course anavar is illegal, so for your first you might want to give H-drol a try. Also make sure you have a post cycle therapy lined up.

  3. #3
    samich6's Avatar
    samich6 is offline New Member
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    At this time I have researched more on the steriod side but am not ruling out pro-hormones. I guess I need to research pro-hormones more to weigh the differences.

    Anavar appears to offer what I am looking for but as you said is illegal. I have also heard of some hair-loss due to being anabolic .

    Since H-Drol is a pro-hormone, should I have trouble locating it from a legit source? Also is there post cycle therapy needed for pro-hormones?

  4. #4
    fry1020 is offline New Member
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    H-Drol is available in tons of locations. It's legal for now, and I usually get mine on You should make sure then that it from a legit source. You will need post cycle therapy for it as well as liver/blood pressure support (milk thistle and hawthorne berry).

    You said you've been researching steroids lately and that anavar is what you're looking for, but the fact that it is illegal is stopping you. Well, I don't think you're going to be able to find a legal steroid of any type. If you haven't tried a pro-hormone yet, I'd give it a try before moving to the big guns (if that's the direction you're aiming for). With a good diet and workout plan you will be able to make good gains off of it.

  5. #5
    samich6's Avatar
    samich6 is offline New Member
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    Getting the Anavar is definately whats is stopping me. The advise you are giving is probably better for me to start with. I have about 10 pounds of fat I would like to shred while gaining strength...sounds like H-Drol maybe useful. What kind of results (% wise) did you see in fat loss (via measurements) and strength?

    When using amazon, how would i know legit from not?

  6. #6
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    this thread should be moved.

    it has nothing to do with cycle results...

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    we need to know more about you in order to help you out, but oral only cycles are NOT recomended

    give us your stats

    GOALS for this cycle
    PCT knowledge

  8. #8
    samich6's Avatar
    samich6 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2009
    age: 29
    height: 6'1"
    weight: 202
    bodyfat%: 22
    6:00 AM-1 c multigrain Cheerioes, 1/2 c 2% milk, 1 banana, protein shake and muli-vita
    8:30 AM-1 c low fat cottage cheese
    10:30 AM-1 c raw carrotts
    12:30 PM-1 packet chunk light tuna, 1 apple
    2:30 PM-1 orange
    4:30 PM-1 c raw broccoli
    6:00 workout (M, T, Th, F)-protein shake after workout
    7:00 PM-Dinner: usually grilled/baked chicken, steamed veges
    8:30 small snack usually pretzels
    11:00 bed
    training: 4 day split
    Monday-Chest & Triceps
    Barbell Press-Incline-10, 8, 8, 6
    Barbell Press-Decline-8, 8, 6
    Barbell Press-Flat -8, 8, 6
    Dumbbell Flys-12, 12, 12
    Cable Pull-Over-8, 8
    Cable Triceps Extension-10, 8, 8, 6
    Cable Incline Pushdown-10, 10, 8
    Cable Cable Triceps Extension with Rope-10, 10, 8
    Tuesday-Back & Biceps
    Close-Grip Front Lat Pull Down-10, 10, 10, 8
    Wide-Grip Lat Pull Down-10, 10, 8
    Seated Row-8, 8
    Barbell T-Row-12, 12, 10
    Stiff-Legged Barbell Dead-lift-10, 10
    Standing Barbell Curl-8, 8, 6
    Close Grip Preacher Curl-8, 8, 6
    Incline Dumbbell Curl-14, 14
    Concentrated Curl-10, 10
    Military Press Behind Neck-10, 10, 10
    Front Dumbbell Lateral-10, 10, 10
    Military Press-10, 10, 10, 10
    Side Dumbbell Lateral-10, 10, 10
    See Saw Dumbbell Press-10, 10, 10
    Barbell Shrugs-10, 10
    Upright Rows-10, 10
    High Pull-12, 12
    Cable Lower Pulley Pull-10, 10, 10, 8
    Squat-10, 8, 8, 6, 4
    Leg Extension -12, 12, 12
    Leg Curl-12, 12, 12
    Romanian Dead-lift-12, 12
    Standing Calf Raise-12, 12, 12, 12
    *I increase weight and give about 2-3 minutes rest between sets. Also on Chest days I rotate incline, decline and flat press from week to week.
    GOALS for this cycle: gains with fat loss (nothing huge)
    PCT knowledge: nil

  9. #9
    honda450's Avatar
    honda450 is offline Associate Member
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    Jump over to the PCT forum and read up. Read some of the stickies all around this site and you will have tons of knowledge in no time.

    Maybe you could try and get some Clenbuterol and T3 and run that for a while to get your BF % down, and then think about cycling.

  10. #10
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Not to flame you , but your diet is your sucks if you expect to grow!!!

    6:00 AM-1 c multigrain Cheerioes, 1/2 c 2% milk, 1 banana, protein shake and muli-vita NOT A MEAL !!!
    8:30 AM-1 c low fat cottage cheese NOT A MEAL !!!
    10:30 AM-1 c raw carrotts NOT A MEAL !!!
    12:30 PM-1 packet chunk light tuna, 1 apple THIS IS A SNACK
    2:30 PM-1 orange NOT EVEN CLOSE TO A MEAL
    4:30 PM-1 c raw broccoli EVEN FURTHER FROM A MEAL
    6:00 workout (M, T, Th, F)-protein shake after workout OK, ONLY AFTER WORKOUT
    7:00 PM-Dinner: usually grilled/baked chicken, steamed veges This is just OK but you need good carbs here too, veggies don't cut it
    8:30 small snack usually pretzels THIS IS NOT A MEAL
    11:00 bed]

    You have only ONE complete meal in this day !!! you will never grow on this with or without steroids
    Last edited by T-MOS; 02-24-2009 at 03:33 PM.

  11. #11
    samich6's Avatar
    samich6 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advise from both T-MOS and Honda 450. Are the forums here for diets worthy of a look? Or any memebers posted good meal plans that you can direct me too?

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