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  1. #1
    ljc8 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2002

    Talking winni-fina cycle (responses preferably experienced winni/fina users)

    I am going to do a fina/winni cycle after the new year and I would like to get some last minute opinions on a few issues:
    6 weeks:
    fina @ 75mg ed
    winni @ 75 mg ed
    post-cycle clomid 3 days after last shot

    1. This is not my first cycle but this is the first time I'm using fina and winni. Is it necessary to take these amounts? It would be ideal for me to take them e-o-d or monday through friday and take saturday and sunday off since they are my rest days anyways. Do either of these seem sensible?

    2. I could easily make this cycle 8 my situation is extending it worth the health and gain results?

    3. I have plenty of nolvadex and I'd like to minimize side effects...should i do nolvadex therapy while on the cycle?

    Thank-you for taking the time to respond to my questions!!!

    For those who give a lick:

    height: 5'9"
    weight: 183
    bench max: 335
    squat max: ? (385 x 5 reps for 3 sets)
    hang clean max: ? (225 x 8 reps)(yeah i know most people don't do them but this may be impressive to the athletic community-i play football by the way)
    bf%: beats the shit out of me: probably 10 percent or something like that

  2. #2
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    Nolva won't do anything for fina induced (prolactin) gyno. If you get gyno symptoms from fina the only solution is bromocriptine, secondly, I'd drop the winny down to 50mg and run the fina/winny ED instead of EOD, more constant blood levels. If you want you can also throw in some prop, fina/prop/winny is a killer 6 week cycle. I would not advise to extend the cycle to 8 weeks, since 8 weeks of winny can get hard on the liver.

  3. #3
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    I like the cycle, needs some test though like nj said. I don't think those amounts are excessive; I ran fina for 7wks last cycle at 100mg ed and that was the first time I'd ever used it. I'd definitely take some glucosamine cause winny can get hard on your joints.

    Also, take your AS everyday definitely, even on days you don't work out. A little r-ALA ed goes a long way too, along with the gallons of water you'll be drinking I'm sure.

    Bromo can be expensive and hard to come by, and some think nolva can help with progesterone/prolactin induced gyno, so if you do see some gyno symptoms, I'd start taking the nolva and order some bromo. Few people get lasting gyno from fina, so don't worry too much about it, just be on the lookout for it.

    You should see some good strength increases and some great pumps from this cycle.

  4. #4
    TeenPL is offline Banned
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    wouldn't you like to know
    what level of football do you play? Is there a danger of being tested?

  5. #5
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Great cycle. Lean gains and vascularity will be apparent. Test would be nice but is not necessary, I don't get that supposed "fina dick". I gt the opposite, the "superman schwank"

  6. #6
    ljc8 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2002
    I play division 2 football and we do get tested by the ncaa but i am aware of the risks and am willing to take them. I also am capable of passing a drug test if need be...we are given a 24 hour advance notice. Thanks for the concern.

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