hello people am new here
here goes, i started doing mixed martial arts recently
and wanted to no the best performance enhancer i could take
for recouperation. im afta a bit of size aswell
im 29
13.7 stone
bout 16% bf
hello people am new here
here goes, i started doing mixed martial arts recently
and wanted to no the best performance enhancer i could take
for recouperation. im afta a bit of size aswell
im 29
13.7 stone
bout 16% bf
Test only is best for a first cycle but will you be tested?
Test forsure. You definitely came to the right place on where to start.
This will explain what each steroid is used for.
not sure about the testing.
thanks in advance for advice
is it ena or cyp thats less painfull inject?
u guys thing i should stay away from tablets?
i dont have any experience with taking the stuff but
i do no a lot about nutrition side of things. hopefully it doesnt sound like am boasting
the cyp and ena was to do with 1 being oil and other water, if thats write?
thanks for link
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