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  1. #1
    scozz624 is offline New Member
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    'Roid Rookie-Please Advise

    I want to begin a a cycle and a friend recommended Deca . Is there where I should begin? I have been working out for about a year and want to get more mass. I am 31 years old, about 150lbs, not sure of body fat but I eat healthy. Please help and thanks all!!!

  2. #2
    perry75K is offline New Member
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    how tall are you? at that weight you typically have some serious lifting/eating to do before you can cycle.

  3. #3
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    i think it would be important to give your height because 150lbs at 6'6 is different then 150lbs @ 5'2.

  4. #4
    perry75K is offline New Member
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    and deca alone would be a bad idea, you should use test with deca

  5. #5
    scozz624 is offline New Member
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    I am 5'10"

  6. #6
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    i would go to the diet section and research.

  7. #7
    scozz624 is offline New Member
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    what is test?

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    5'10" 150lbs??? forget about steroids you need to eat.

  9. #9
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    you probably don't want to hear, but these guys know what they're talking about

    you need a proper diet, not steroids .

    test=testosterone .

  10. #10
    scozz624 is offline New Member
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    I eat all the time! I have been trying to gain weight for the past year. I have researched and prepare meals that I bring to the office. I have gained about 15lbs in the last year! Any other helpful tips?

  11. #11
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    u need to set your diet up... watch the videos

    So you wanna learn how to Diet?

  12. #12
    scozz624 is offline New Member
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    Alright, thanks. I know you are a big fan of these!

    Thanks for all of the help guys!!!!

  13. #13
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    ^^ yup.. lost alotta weight and gained alotta mass with it

  14. #14
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    I understand you. I started cycling at 168lb and 6'. I tried for years to gain weight. I tried weight gainer and eating 3x's my weight in carbs and 2x's my weight in protein. Like you my gains were minimal.

    My advice to you is that you should spend another year training hard. Eating 450g of carbs. 300g of protein in 6 meals. It sounds impossible. You will gag. It works and will become more comfortable with time. Consume mostly complex carbs except after your routine it should be simple carbs.

    If your like me and just want to start and your not going to listen then I would stay away from all that shit like deca and tren , etc for your first cycle. Just do test (testastarone). I gained a whopping 37lbs on my first cycle at peak and after 5 weeks after my last injection it was a net of 30lbs. I ate like a motherfucher. 10 weeks at 500mg. Inject 2x's per week. HCG at the last 10 days of the cycle plus 10 days after last injection at 500iu EOD. 30 days of Clomid 100mg. 30 days of Novaldex 20mg. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat and then when you cant eat anymore eat more.

  15. #15
    scozz624 is offline New Member
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    Awesome! Thanks for the tips!!

  16. #16
    got test?'s Avatar
    got test? is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LizzardSecond View Post
    I understand you. I started cycling at 168lb and 6'. I tried for years to gain weight. I tried weight gainer and eating 3x's my weight in carbs and 2x's my weight in protein. Like you my gains were minimal.

    My advice to you is that you should spend another year training hard. Eating 450g of carbs. 300g of protein in 6 meals. It sounds impossible. You will gag. It works and will become more comfortable with time. Consume mostly complex carbs except after your routine it should be simple carbs.

    If your like me and just want to start and your not going to listen then I would stay away from all that shit like deca and tren, etc for your first cycle. Just do test (testastarone). I gained a whopping 37lbs on my first cycle at peak and after 5 weeks after my last injection it was a net of 30lbs. I ate like a motherfucher. 10 weeks at 500mg. Inject 2x's per week. HCG at the last 10 days of the cycle plus 10 days after last injection at 500iu EOD. 30 days of Clomid 100mg. 30 days of Novaldex 20mg. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat and then when you cant eat anymore eat more.
    Well put (with the exception of grammatical errors )

    I'm sure you'll do it anyway, so with that said.... Deca without testosterone will shut you down. Try to score some test and run them both! Keep alcohol content down, use milk thistle ect, and be sure to have PCT therapy!

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