Thread: Should I extend my cycle.
02-27-2009, 10:14 AM #1
Should I extend my cycle.
I am on my second cycle. 6' 213lbs. I am doing test at 500mg/week. The cycle started at 8 weeks and then I decided to go to 12 weeks because the test only kicked in at 5 weeks. Well now I am stuck since about week 10 at 213lbs. Trianing hard. Eating 600g of Carbs, 400g of Protein in 6 meals. Somedays I miss the last meal but I am preety consistent. My strength is still rising. I am getting leaner too. Its just that I am stuck at this weight.
My question is, I have 4 amps (325mg amps)of test left. It was originally purchased as 2 cycles. I was just thinking of extending it another 3 weeks.
Have my gains leveled off so I should just quit here or should I still go some more. I feel good. No sides.
Will I have to increase my PCT. 12.5mg of Aromasin 25days. 20mg of Novaldex 30 days. Clomid 30 days.
I am plainning of starting a 10 months HGH cycle after this. I will do 6 months of just HGH, then 4 months of test and HGH. PCT will be the same.
Thanks guys.
02-27-2009, 10:50 AM #2
What was your weight when you started the cycle and what are the goals for the cycle?
Are you getting plenty of rest? This can hamper your gains.
02-27-2009, 11:34 AM #3
How much did you gain?
And if you are keeping the same weight and getting leaner it means you are putting on some muscle while burning fat. 12 weeks is not too much with test enanthate .
02-27-2009, 05:03 PM #4
I started at 198lb. Curently 213lb. My goals were 220lb
02-27-2009, 05:19 PM #5
don't use arimadex for pct
02-27-2009, 05:20 PM #6
ok aromasin , my mistake! nob lol
02-27-2009, 05:24 PM #7
Also, use either aromasin or clomid with nolva. No need for both.
03-02-2009, 10:20 PM #8
Should I extend? I am starting to get acne. I saw Alot of new acne today and yesterday
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